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City Council meeting of November 19, 2007 <br />Page 5 <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the changes and submit the ordinance to the MN DNR <br />for review. <br />Members of the Council had concerns about requirements in the agricultural district, specifically fences <br />and structures, and questions about the definition of "unsuitable" in regard to land division. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, to table the item for further discussion at a later date in a <br />workshop. <br />All Aye. Motion carried. <br />APPROVE RECREATIONAL VEHICLE ORDINANCE <br />At its October 11, 2007 meeting the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the proposed <br />Recreational Vehicle Ordinance. One resident stated that he has looked at other cities that regulated <br />storage of recreational equipment and found that they have tighter restrictions. He also had concerns <br />with the one -foot side yard setback because of safety concerns to access the back yard in case of a fire <br />and that it also encourages loading and unloading of the recreational vehicles on the neighboring <br />property. The Planning Commission made a motion to table the item until staff discussed the one -foot <br />side yard setback with the Fire Department. Staff discussed this issue with Fire Marshal Marty Schwartz <br />and Fire Chief Jim Compton, and they stated that in their opinion, the one -foot side yard setback was not <br />a fire issue and that they would actually like to see the recreational equipment closer to the property line <br />than to the building. At its October 25, 2007 meeting the Planning Commission discussed the item again <br />with the information from the fire department provided. The Commission suggested a condition be <br />added to allow the vehicles to be parked in the driveway ten feet from the curb between one week before <br />Memorial Day and one week after Labor Day, and 30 feet from the curb at all other times. The Planning <br />Commission unanimously recommended approval of the storage of recreational equipment ordinance <br />with the condition that the provision above be included in the ordinance. Members of the Council stated <br />the time constraint in the condition added by the Planning Commission was too restrictive. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve Ordinance 2007-414 approving Performance <br />Standards for Storage of Large Recreational Equipment, excluding the condition proposed by the <br />Planning Commission. <br />All aye. Motion carried. <br />UPDATE ON GOODVIEW AVENUE SOUTH MEETING OF NOVEMBER 13, 2007 <br />City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided an update on the November 13, 2007, meeting the City of Hugo <br />hosted with city officials from the City of Grant, White Bear Township, and Washington County. The <br />City of Hugo was represented by Mayor Fran Miron and Council member Chuck Haas, who agreed at <br />the Council's November 5'" meeting to schedule a meeting with neighboring communities and <br />Washington County to discuss the maintenance of the south section of Goodview Avenue into the City <br />of Grant. Kennedy reported that after a thorough discussion by all parties, including himself and <br />Assistant County Engineer Wayne Sandberg, the city officials agreed to schedule a neighborhood <br />meeting after January I" with residents who live on that section of Goodview Avenue, at the White Bear <br />