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City Council meeting of December 3, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Supplemental Law Enforcement Agreement with the <br />Ramsey County Sheriffs Department for enforcement on Bald Eagle Lake. <br />Contractor Property Developers Company (CPDC) has requested the City accept the constructed public <br />improvements for the Victor Garden North 3`d subdivision. Acceptance of the improvements would <br />begin a one-year warranty period. At the end of one year, the project would be considered complete and <br />maintenance activities would become the responsibility of the City. The developer has also requested a <br />reduction to their letter of credit being held for the public improvements to the minimum of 10% of the <br />original amount. The City would continue to hold a letter of credit in the amount equal to 10% of the <br />cost of the improvements, or $36,990 for the improvements during the one-year warranty period. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the public improvements in the Victor Gardens North Yd <br />subdivision and reduced the letter of credit to $36,990 for the improvements during the one-year period. <br />APPROVE FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN PHASES OF THE <br />WATERS EDGE SUBDIVISION <br />Pulte Homes of Minnesota, developer, has requested the City accept the constructed public <br />improvements for the following phases of the Waters Edge development: Waters Edge; Waters Edge P; <br />Waters Edge 4d'; Waters Edge South; Waters Edge South 2"d; Waters Edge South P; and Waters Edge <br />South 4°i. Acceptance of the improvements would begin a one-year warranty period. At the end of the <br />warranty, the project would be considered complete and maintenance activities would become the <br />responsibility of the City. The City will continue to hold the existing Letters of Credit until the end of <br />the one year warranty period. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the constructed public <br />improvements for the following phases of the Waters Edge development: Waters Edge; Waters Edge 3rd; <br />Waters Edge 4d'- Waters Edge South; Waters Edge South 2°d; Waters Edge South P; and Waters Edge <br />South 4d'. <br />PROPOSED 2008 CITY BUDGET — TRUTH IN TAXATION PUBLIC HEARING <br />At its September 4, 2007 meeting, Council was presented with a proposed 2008 City budget by Finance <br />Director Ron Otkin. As directed by Council, the Finance Department prepared a proposed City budget, <br />which reflects a'h of 1% reduction in the City's tax rate. The preliminary tax levy was set by Council at <br />$5,189,598 and certified to Washington County by the September 15, 2007 deadline. As per Minnesota <br />Statute, the City of Hugo is required to hold a Truth in Taxation public hearing in order to take public <br />comment on the proposed City budget. Highlights of the proposed 2008 budget include a reduction in <br />the City's tax capacity rate for the 5d' consecutive year, totaling more than 9% in the tax rate reduction <br />over that five year period. Ron provided Council with a PowerPoint presentation of the proposed 2008 <br />City budget, after which Mayor Miron opened the public hearing to take public comment. <br />Jess Roush, 4776 126d' Street, because of an increase in his property tax, asked that Council look further <br />for possible budget cuts. <br />