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2006.06.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2006 CC Minutes
2006.06.05 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of June 5, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />substantial changes from the preliminary plat. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution <br />2006-29 approving the final plat and development agreement for Water's Edge South 4'h Addition. <br />APPROVE OFF SALE LIQUOR LICENSE FOR LAWRENCE TISCHLER D/B/A HUGO <br />LIQUOR. INC. <br />As Council is aware, the owners of Sager Liquors recently purchased the bar/restaurant in Centerville <br />known as Kelly's Corner. Rick Sager decided to sell his off -sale liquor store and it is being purchased <br />by Lawrence Tischler. Consistent with City ordinance, the applicant submitted an application for a <br />background investigation, which was recently completed by the Washington County Sheriffs Dept. The <br />applicant satisfactorily passed the background check and is therefore, a worthwhile candidate for an off - <br />sale liquor license. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the off -sale liquor license for Lawrence <br />Tischler, who will be renaming the store to Hugo Liquor, Inc. <br />APPROVE DUST CONTROL CONTRACT WITH DUSTCOATING INC FOR GRAVEL <br />ROADS <br />In its 2006 general fund budget, the public works department included funding for gravel road dust <br />control and stabilization. PW Director Chris Petree determined that gravel road dust control and <br />stabilization is a good method to maintain the gravel roads and improve motorist and pedestrian safety, <br />while reducing maintenance costs. City staff solicited quotes from different contractors and one <br />submitted a quote consistent with neighboring communities. City staff was successful in getting a <br />contribution from three builders, which will be used to reduce the cost of the dust control. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda awarded the dust control stabilization contract to Dustcoating, Inc., for a total <br />project cost of $33,698, with a contribution of $5,000 from Centex Homes, Pulte Homes, and Kraus - <br />Anderson, reducing the cost to $28,698. <br />APPROVE COUNCIL MEETING DATE CHANGE TO JULY 5, 2006 FOR FIRST MEETING <br />IN JULY <br />The July 4h federal holiday falls on Tuesday in 2006, so staff contacted Council members to determine <br />their availability for the regular first meeting on Monday, July 3`d. After discussion with Council and <br />staff, City staff determined that a date change would better accommodate meeting schedules for Council <br />and the public. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the date change for the first meeting in July <br />to Wednesday, July 5, 2006. <br />APPROVE DENIAL OF REQUEST FOR PUBLIC FINANCING OF MULTI -FEEDER <br />TECHNOLOGY IN BALD EAGLE INDUSTRIAL PARK <br />At its May 15, 2006, meeting, the Economic Development Authority listened to a presentation from the <br />owner of Multi -Feeder Technology, who plans to construct buildings in the BEIP adjacent to the BEIP <br />5°i Addition. The president of the company, Neal Nordling, presented an overview of his business plan <br />to the EDA stating that he would be bringing a technology-based company to town, with 40 high-quality, <br />high -paid jobs. He requested of the EDA financial incentives that may be available to assist him in the <br />financing of construction of a public road into the property. EDA President Fran Miron stated that the <br />City would be able assist him in applications for side yard variances, which would assist him in the <br />
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