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2006.06.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2006 CC Minutes
2006.06.05 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of June 5, 2006 <br />Page 4 <br />construction of his building and that he would direct staff to research any and all financing alternatives. <br />Mr. Nordling supplied staff with a letter to make his request official and staff has researched the issue. <br />CD Director Bryan Bear and Finance Director Ron Otkin researched public funding but the use of TIF is <br />not available due to the BEIP's tax increment financing district timelines. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda denied the request of Multi -Feeder Technology for public finance assistance due to the Bald <br />Eagle Industrial Park's tax increment financing district timeliness. <br />CHARITABLE GAMBLING LICENSE FOR INDIANHEAD SCOUTINGBSA <br />IndianheadBSA made application to the City of Hugo for a Minnesota Lawful Gambling Permit to <br />conduct a raffle on October 12, 2006 at Wild Wings of Oneka. Staff reviewed the application and <br />found it to be satisfactorily complete and in accordance with state statute and City code. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the charitable gambling license for IndianheadBSA to conduct a <br />raffle on October 12, 2006 at Wild Wings of Oneka. <br />APPROVE REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT FOR VICTOR GARDENS NORTH <br />VILLAGE <br />Developer CPDC requested the City reduce the letter of credit being held for the newly -constructed <br />public improvements in the Victor Garden North Village. The City would continue to hold a letter of <br />credit in the amount equal to 110% of the cost of the work remaining to complete the improvements, or <br />$236,106 for the public improvements. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reduction of the <br />letter of credit being held for the newly -constructed public improvements in the Victor Garden North <br />Village to $236,106. <br />APPROVE APPLICATION FROM WALLY MALMSTROM FOR WILDLIFE POND AT 16011 <br />HARROW AVENUE <br />For the past couple of years, the RCWD and the City have been working with Wally and Joyce <br />Malmstrom of 16011 Harrow Avenue in their effort to construct a wildlife pond on their property <br />located at 16011 Harrow Avenue. Their final plan has been approved by the RCWD and it would allow <br />them an opportunity to construct a wildlife pond on their 82 acres. The City, acting as the LGU, needs to <br />approve the plan. This item was tabled by Council at its May 15, 2006 meeting and staff was directed to <br />clarify elevations for the pond. Phil Belfiori from WSB Engineers answered questions from the City <br />Council and resident John Waller. Elizabeth Nixon from Emmons & Olivier Resources, designer of the <br />pond, explained and verified correct elevations for the pond depth. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve construction of a wildlife pond for Wally Malmstrom <br />at 16011 Harrow Avenue. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE FINAL PLAT FOR WILDERNESS VIEW 2ND ADDITION (TJ LAND TRUST) <br />TJ Land Trust V requested approval of a Final Plat and Development Agreement for Wilderness View <br />Second Addition for 59 single-family units on 98.57 acres located south of 130th Street and west of City <br />
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