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2006.06.19 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2006 CC Minutes
2006.06.19 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of June 19, 2006 <br />Page 4 <br />project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the first payment to Pulte Homes in the amount of <br />$701,078.55. <br />APPROVE AWARD OF BID FOR SALE OF HFD 1977 DODGE TRUCK TO WORKING BOY <br />MOTORS, INC. <br />On June 14, 2006, Hugo Fire Chief Jim Compton held a bid opening for the sale of the 1977 Dodge <br />grass fire truck, and only one bid was received from Workingboy Motors, Inc. in Forest Lake, in the <br />amount of $800. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the bid from Workingboy Motors for the <br />sale of the 1977 Dodge truck, in the amount of $800. <br />APPROVE CONTRACT W/MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION FOR RECODIFICATION <br />Included in its 2006 City Focus Goals, the Council included the recodification of the City Code. City <br />staff thoroughly researched the vendors who provide this service, seeking quotations for the work. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the contract with Municipal Cope Corporation, at a base bid <br />of $9,815. <br />APPROVE REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT FOR GENERATION ACRES <br />(GENERATION LAND) <br />Developer Generation Land requested the City reduce the letter of credit being held for the newly - <br />constructed public and private improvements in the Generation Acres development. The City would <br />continue to hold a letter of credit in the amount equal to no less than 25% of the original letter of credit <br />or $135,501.30 for the public improvements. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the reduction <br />in the letter of credit for public improvements at Generation Acres in the amount of $135,501.30. <br />APPROVE CHANGE IN SPEED LIMIT ON 132ND STREET <br />Last summer, City staff was contacted by a resident with a concern about speeding on 132nd Street, <br />between Goodview Avenue and CSAH 8. On July 18, 2005, Council passed a resolution authorizing <br />Mn/DOT to complete a speed study on this section of roadway. Mn/DOT has recommended a speed limit <br />of 45 MPH and authorizes the City to install the appropriate signs to designate this speed. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda accepted Mn/DOT's recommendation and authorized staff to install the appropriate <br />signage. <br />APPROVE CHANGE IN SPEED LIMIT(S) ON ONEKA LAKE BOULEVARD <br />Last fall, City staff was contacted by a resident who was concerned about speeding on Oneka Lake Blvd., <br />between TH61 and Harrow Avenue. On August 1, 2005, Council passed a resolution authorizing <br />Mn/DOT to complete a speed study on this section of roadway. Mn/DOT recommended a speed limit, <br />outlined in the attached memo, and authorized the City to install the appropriate signs to designate this <br />speed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted Mn/DOT's recommendation and authorized staff to <br />install the appropriate signage. <br />
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