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City Council meeting of September 5, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />Approve Authorization for City Engineer and WSB to Solicit Bids for Well #5 <br />Approve Pay Request from Washington County for Work Completed on CSAH 8/14 Project <br />Approve Six -Month Medical Leave of Absence for Firefighter Penny Owen <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for September 5, 2006 as presented. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH SENIOR CITIZEN ASSESSMENT DEFERRALS <br />At its August 21, 206 meeting, Council held an assessment hearing for the 120 Street public <br />improvement project. Resident Jim Kellison addressed Council on the issue indicating his support for <br />the project, as well as his neighbor Gerald Miller, who lives at 4486 129' Street, and was unable to <br />attend the meeting. Jim spoke on Mr. Miller's behalf requesting that Council consider the request from <br />Gerald Miller to defer his assessments for the 129d' Street public improvement project. Finance Director <br />Ron Otkin has prepared a resolution outlining the terms and conditions for deferral of the special <br />assessments for senior citizens in general and, specifically, for Gerald Miller. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved adoption of Resolution 2006-52 authorizing senior citizen assessment deferrals. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY ENGINEER AND WSB TO SOLICIT BIDS FOR <br />WELL #5 <br />In spring 2006, Council directed the Public Works Director and WSB to proceed with the construction <br />of a test well, which is located in the Water's Edge residential development. The results from the test <br />well indicate that the geology in the area would support a municipal well. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda authorized the Public Works Director to work with WSB to proceed with the solicitation of bids <br />for the construction of well #5 in the Water's Edge development. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST FROM WASHINGTON COUNTY FOR WORK COMPLETED ON <br />CSAH 8/14 PROJECT <br />City staff received a pay request from Washington County for work completed on the CSAH 8/14 <br />project. City staff reviewed the request and found it to be satisfactory for work completed to date on the <br />project. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved payment to Washington County for work completed <br />on the CSAH 8/14 project, in the amount of $228,745.64. <br />APPROVE SIX-MONTH MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR FIREFIGHTER PENNY <br />OWEN <br />Hugo firefighter Penny Owen has requested a six-month medical leave of absence to care for her <br />daughter, who is battling cancer. Adoption of the Consent Agenda granted the six-month medical leave <br />of absence for Penny and that she continue to be a member in good standing. <br />