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2006.09.05 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2006 CC Minutes
2006.09.05 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of September 5, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />REQUEST FOR VACATION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT AT 14193 GENEVA AVENUE <br />NORTH (HILGERS) <br />Gregory and Sheri Hilgers, 14193 Geneva Avenue North, requested a vacation of a portion of the <br />drainage and utility easement located on their property in Diamond Point West 2nd Addition. CD <br />Director Bryan Bear determined that the requested vacation would not negatively impact the surrounding <br />properties. Mayor Miron opened public hearing and Greg Roth, 14139 Geneva Avenue, questioned <br />what kind/size of shed the Hilgers were planning on building. Mayor Miron stated that the public <br />hearing was being held to consider only the vacation of the easement. Neighbor Terry Chevalier, 14203 <br />Geneva, stated her request that Council approve the request. The public hearing was closed by Mayor <br />Miron and Council considered the request. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the Notice of Completion of Vacation Proceedings for <br />the vacation of a portion of the drainage and utility easement over property located on Lot 9, Block 1, <br />Diamond Point West 2nd Addition. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR CITY CLERK MARY ANN CREAGER <br />Mary Ann Creager was hired by the City on September 2, 1976. Over the past 30 years, Mary Ann has <br />worked as a loyal and dedicated employee for the City of Hugo as City Clerk. Mary Ann has overseen <br />many City elections, as well as the adoption of hundreds of resolutions. Mary Ann is a "key cog" in the <br />operations at Hugo City Hall, and her customer skills are second to none in terms of dealing with angry <br />and irate citizens. Mary Ann has a great personality and gets things done. Council and staff "surprised" <br />Mary Ann with a heart -felt recognition of her 30 -years of employment, which included the attendance of <br />her family and grandchildren at the meeting, and the presentation of a beautiful engraved mantle clock. <br />Mayor Miron recessed the meeting for 15 minutes to allow everyone present to share in cake and coffee <br />to celebrate. <br />Petryk made motion, Haas seconded, to approve the annual performance review for City Clerk Mary <br />Ann Creager. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL COMPLIANCE INSPECTION AND RENEWAL OF AUTO <br />DISMANTLING LICENSE FOR ARK RECYCLING <br />At its August 21, 2006 meeting, Council tabled approval of the auto dismantling license for ARK <br />Recycling and directed staff to research whether or not the terms and conditions of the SUP were met in <br />two areas: installation of proper screening, and if monitoring wells needed to be installed. Building <br />Official John Benson and City Administrator Mike Ericson conducted a site inspection on the business <br />and found that the installation of the proper fencing was met. John reviewed the terms and conditions of <br />the SUP and found that there was no requirement that the facility must install monitoring wells. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve renewal of the auto dismantling license for ARK <br />Recycling. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />
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