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City Council meeting of October 16, 2006 <br />Page 5 <br />DISCUSSION ON NATIONAL RECYCLING INC. AND REQUEST FROM WCSO FOR <br />ASSISTANCE IN TRACING STOLEN COPPER AND ALUMINUM <br />The Washington County Sheriffs Department notified the City that there had been a marked increase in <br />stolen copper in the City, particularly around residential construction sites. The significant increase in <br />copper and aluminum prices has pushed thieves to steal from contractors, copper tubing, electrical wire, <br />and even aluminum concrete forms. There has been some stolen aluminum and copper brought to <br />National Recycling Inc (NRI) and identified later by the WCSO as stolen merchandise. This issue is a <br />big concern for the WCSO, who seeks assistance from the City or the Washington County Board, for the <br />drafting of an ordinance that would direct recyclers, like NRI, to track incoming material much the same <br />way as pawn shops are directed to do so, according to state statute. On Friday, October 13, 2006, City <br />staff made a site inspection visit with the Washington County Sheriffs Department of the NRI facility, <br />with owner Rick Mark. Washington County Deputy Sergeant Brad Marquardt reported to Council the <br />discussion of issues related to the facility and its operation in the collection and salvaging of copper and <br />aluminum, as well as new procedures that will be taken by NRI to document customers with driver's <br />license and vehicle license and the WCSO's ability to track possible stolen property. Rick and Melissa <br />Mark have cooperated with the City are already implementing the new recordkeeping procedure. No <br />official Council action was taken. <br />APPROVE DATE FOR CITY OF HUGO COUNCIL, COMMISSIONS. AND STAFF HOLIDAY <br />GATHERING <br />Each year, Council, along with City commissions and City staff, gathers together to celebrate the holiday <br />season. City staff recommended Council select a date to hold the annual City Hall Christmas gathering, <br />which has been held at the Hugo American Legion for the past two years. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to hold the holiday gathering on Thursday, November 30, 2006 at <br />the Hugo American Legion. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE OCTOBER 23.2006 GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY AT POSTAL CREDIT <br />UNION <br />The Hugo City Council received an invitation from the president of the Postal Credit Union to attend the <br />groundbreaking ceremony on October 23, 2006 for the construction of its new facility. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to schedule a public meeting on October 23, 2006 at 10:30 am on <br />the site of the new Postal Credit Union building located adjacent to the Festival Foods grocery store. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE COUNCIL BOARD OF CANVASS MEETING ON NOVEMBER 8, 2006 <br />After the general election on November 7, 2006, Council must meet as the Canvass Board to canvass the <br />votes. City staff requested Council direction as to a time to meet on November 8, 2006. <br />