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City Council meeting of November 6, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for November 6, 2006 as presented. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL LICENSE RENEWAL FOR HUGO AUTO PARTS <br />On October 17, 2006, the City, along with Washington County, conducted the annual inspection of the <br />Hugo Auto Parts facility, as specified in the Special Use Permit, which conditions usage of the auto <br />dismantling and junkyard facility. Building Official John Benson, Fire Marshal Marty Schwartz, and <br />County Environmental Specialist Adam Frederick met with owner Mike Brandt to inspect the facility. <br />Upon completion of the inspection, staff is pleased to report that Hugo Auto and Truck Parts meets the <br />conditions of the SUP and is in compliance with City ordinance, Chapter 130. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the renewal of the annual license for operation of Hugo Auto Parts. <br />APPROVE VOLUNTEER AGREEMENT WITH COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER SERVICES <br />The City has received a request from Community Volunteer Services to renew the Volunteer Agreement <br />that allows the City to be a volunteer site for volunteers referred to the City by Washington County and <br />Community Volunteer Services. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual renewal of the <br />Volunteer Agreement with Community Volunteer Services, which will the City to use volunteers. <br />APPROVE CITY HALL CLOSINGS ON NOVEMBER 10, 2006 IN OBSERVANCE OF <br />VETERANS DAY AND NOVEMBER 23 & 24.2006 FOR THANKSGIVING <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the closing of City Hall on November 10, 2006 in observance <br />of Veterans' Day, as well as on November 23 and 24, 2006 for the Thanksgiving holiday. <br />APPROVE PAY REQUEST FROM WASHINGTON COUNTY FOR WORK COMPLETED TO <br />DATE ON CSAH 8/14 PROJECT <br />City staff received a pay request from Washington County for work completed to date on the CSAH 8/14 <br />project. Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson and Finance Director Ron Otkin reviewed the <br />request and found it to be satisfactory for the most recent work completed. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the pay request from Washington County for work completed on the CSAH 8/14 <br />project, in the amount of $138,313.04. <br />APPROVE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT DECK (a)15749 FENWAY AVENUE <br />(DEALING) <br />Dean and Carolyn Dehling, 15749 Fenway Avenue North, applied for an Encroachment Agreement to <br />locate a portion of a deck in the drainage and utility easement on property located in the Creekview <br />Preserve development. The deck would be located two feet into the easement. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the encroachment agreement for Dean and Carolyn Dehling, 15749 Fenway Avenue, <br />to locate a portion of a deck in the drainage and utility easement on their property. <br />