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2006.11.06 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2006 CC Minutes
2006.11.06 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of November 6, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE 2006-2007 ANNUAL TRAIL APPLICATION FROM HUGO SNOWMOBILE CLUB <br />Each year, the Hugo Snowmobile Club submits its trail application to the City for the purpose of <br />providing public recreational snowmobile trails during the winter. The application is for the four public <br />trails outside of the popular Hardwood Creek Trail. City staff reviewed the application, along with the <br />renewal of liability insurance coverage, which names the City as an additional insured. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the 2006-2007 annual trail application from the Hugo Snowmobile Club. <br />APPROVE INCREASE IN PENSION BENEFIT LEVEL FOR HFD RELIEF ASSN. <br />The Hugo Fire Department's Relief Association held a meeting last month in order to discuss the <br />pension benefit that provides for pensions to those firefighters serving 10 or more years on the fire <br />department. After discussion and analysis provided by Finance Director Ron Otkin, the relief <br />association agreed to recommend to Council an increase of $100 per year of service effective January 1, <br />2007. This increase will not require a City contribution in calendar year 2007. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the pension benefit level to $2,500 effective January 1, 2007 for all members of the <br />HFD Relief Association. <br />APPROVE REQUEST CITY PROPERTY ON SUNSET LAKE FOR USE AS WEED <br />DISPOSAL SITE <br />In 2005, Council listened to a request from the Sunset Lake Homeowners Association, at which they <br />requested use of the City -owned property on the southern edge of Sunset Lake, next to 125' Street, on <br />which they wished to compost the weeds that had been harvested from the lake, in a MDNR-approved <br />weed removal plan. Association president Jim Laumer has made an official request for the continued <br />use of the property on which weeds would be composted in 2007 and which the association is <br />appreciative for the City's support. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the continued use of the <br />City property on the southern edge of Sunset Lake for a weed disposable site for the harvesting by the <br />Sunset Lake Homeowners Association. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION CALLING FOR THE REDEMPTION OF TIF BONDS <br />Council member Haas requested this matter be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. In <br />1997, the City issued taxable general obligation tax increment bonds in the amount of $320,000. The <br />bonds were for the acquisition of property in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. A call provision was <br />included in the bond documents whereby all bonds maturing in the years 2008 through 2112 are subject <br />to prepayment on February 1, 2007. Finance Director Ron Otkin reported that sufficient tax increments <br />have been collected to allow for the prepayment of the remaining bond principal, with a savings of <br />$41,000 to City taxpayers. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2006-61 CALLING FOR REDEMPTION <br />OF CERTAIN OUTSTANDING BONDS FOR THE CITY'S $320,000 TAXABLE G.O. TAX <br />INCREMENT BONDS, SERIES 1997. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />
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