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City Council meeting of November 6, 2006 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE APPLICATION FOR SOLICITOR'S LICENSE (THE WINDOW STORE) <br />Council member Haas requested this matter be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. The <br />City received an application for a Peddler's License from The Window Store, located in St. Louis Park, <br />which is a windows, roofing, siding, and bathroom renovation company. City Clerk Mary Ann Creager <br />reviewed the application and completed review of municipalities in which the company has conducted <br />business, as well as reference checks of the individuals. This issue was not approved administratively to <br />notify residents at the Council meeting of the license approval and the nature of the business. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the Solicitor's License for The Window Store to <br />conduct door-to-door solicitation for the home improvement business. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE SITE PLAN, CUP, AND VARIANCE FOR GRUNDHOFER'S OLD FASHION <br />MEAT MARKET <br />Council member Puleo requested this matter be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. The <br />Planning Commission reviewed the site plan, conditional use permit, and variance at a public hearing on <br />October 26, 2006. The applicant is requesting site plan, conditional use permit, and variance approval to <br />operate a meat market and meat processing facility in an existing building located at 15449 Forest <br />Boulevard North. A meat processing facility is only allowed in the General Business District (C-2) <br />according to the City's land use regulations with a conditional use permit as an accessory use to a meat <br />market. The applicant also has applied for a variance to allow 15 parking spaces where 26 are required <br />by ordinance. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of this application. <br />Business owner Spencer Grundhofer addressed Council to promote his new business venture. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2006-62 APPROVING THE SITE <br />PLAN, CUP, AND VARIANCE FOR GRUNDHOFER'S OLD FASHING MEAT MARKET. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />OAKSHORE PARK NEIGHBORHOOD P.I. PROJECT (PUBLIC HEARING) <br />At its October 6, 2006 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from City Engineer Jay Kennedy <br />regarding the proposed Oakshore Park public improvement project. Council accepted the feasibility <br />study for the project and scheduled a public hearing for November 6, 2006. All homeowners in the <br />Oakshore Park neighborhood received a notice of the public hearing and were invited to the Council <br />meeting. City Engineer Jay Kennedy provided a PowerPoint presentation with the project background <br />and timeline. Mayor Fran Miron opened the public hearing for any and all public comment regarding the <br />proposed public improvement project. Jess Roush asked about the need for a lift station, as stated in <br />property owner letters, and property ditching. David Black voiced his support for the project. Chris Cox <br />inquired about the length of construction and when property owners would have to connect to sanitary <br />sewer. Council member Granger suggested that the contractor have a time limit to complete the project. <br />