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City Council meeting of January 24, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />OUTCOMES FROM JANUARY 14, 2005 JOINT MEETING WITH RCWD ON HARDWOOK <br />CREEK/JD2 REHABILITATION <br />On Friday, January 14, 2005, the Hugo City Council met with the Rice Creek Watershed District <br />Managers for the purpose of discussing the Hardwood Creek/JD2 rehabilitation plan, which was <br />discussed by the RCWD at its January 12, 2005 and December 15, 2004 meetings. After significant <br />discussion regarding the adoption of the rehabilitation plan, the RCWD approved a motion directing <br />RCWD staff to draft a cooperative agreement resolution, which would be discussed by both the City <br />Council and RCWD at their next regularly scheduled meetings. The cooperative agreement resolution <br />would spell out support for Option 4, as presented in the engineer's report, which calls for routine annual <br />maintenance of JD2 and an eventual transfer of maintenance responsibilities to the City of Hugo. In <br />addition, as part of the cooperative agreement, the RCWD Board of Managers would agree to petition <br />itself in 18 months if the rehabilitation plan, as agreed to, is deemed ineffective by the City of Hugo. As <br />the draft cooperative agreement was not available for Council review, no formal action was taken. <br />APPROVE AGREEMENT W/RCWD FOR JD2 CULVERT REPLACEMENT PROJECT <br />At its January 14, 2005 joint meeting w/RCWD, the Hugo City Council ran out of time to discuss the <br />proposed agreement drafted by staff regarding the completion of the JD2 Culvert Replacement Project. <br />Staff from both the RCWD and the City of Hugo reviewed the agreement and recommended Council <br />approve the agreement, which specifies that the City of Hugo will take on completion and responsibility <br />for the remainder of the project, and pay to RCWD an amount of $107,500 for its proportional share of <br />the project, as spelled out in the Cooperative Agreement. Water Resource Engineer Pete Willenbring <br />explained the project, as well as associated costs. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to table action on the agreement and place on an agenda at a <br />time to be determined by City staff. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RESPONSE TO METROPOLITAN COUNCIL REGARDING CITY'S SANITARY SEWER <br />CAPACITY <br />At its January 3, 2005 meeting, Council discussed briefly the letter received from Metropolitan Council <br />Chair Peter Bell regarding the City's sanitary sewer capacity. Staff had just received, that day, a copy of <br />the letter that was promised by Chair Bell after a December 14, 2004 meeting between the City of Hugo <br />and Metropolitan Council officials and State Representatives. Staff was directed by Council to prepare <br />information detailing the potential number of sewer connections necessary to accommodate current and <br />potential near-term developments. CD Director Bryan Bear prepared a table and reviewed this attached <br />information with Council and requested Council direction toward drafting of a response letter to the <br />Metropolitan Council. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to finalize a response letter to the Metropolitan <br />Council and provide draft to Council for approval at a regular meeting. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />