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City Council meeting of January 24, 2005 <br />Page 4 <br />PROPOSED REVISION TO COMMISSION APPOINTMENT POLICY <br />At its January 3, 2005 meeting, Council discussed a proposed revision to the City's commission <br />appointment polity. Council members made a number of suggestions and clarifications to the policy, <br />which needed to be revised to reflect Council intention for appointment, and more importantly, <br />reappointment of commission members. CD Director Bryan Bear prepared a draft revision to the City's <br />commission appointment policy and presented it for review and comment by Council. <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the revised Commission appointment policy. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to reappoint Bob Rosenquist to the Hugo Planning Commission for <br />a 4 -year term. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION OF 2005-2010 STORM WATER CIP AND UTILITY FEE <br />Included in the Council's 2004 City goals was the development of a storm water utility fee and transfer <br />of local governing unit (LGU) responsibilities to the City of Hugo. In June 2004, the City of Hugo was <br />granted LGU responsibilities from the RCWD; subsequently, WSB engineers made a staff presentation <br />to Council regarding a proposed storm water utility fee. Council directed staff to research further the <br />development of a storm water of a storm water utility fee. Staff, City Engineer Jay Kennedy, and Water <br />Resource Engineer Pete Willenbring have researched a Storm Water Capital Improvement Program <br />(CIP), including options for funding the program, and presented this issue to the City Council. Pete <br />outlined the 15 steps that are required to establish a storm water utility fee. Mayor Miron requested staff <br />to research: 1) possibly include costs in the general fund and estimate the percentage tax increase; and <br />2) possible `overlap" in RCWD work (duplicate tax). <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to table this matter to allow staff to gather requested information. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION OF BUSINESS AND FAMILY FUN EXPO PROPOSAL <br />At its January 10, 2005 meeting, the Hugo Business Association listened to a proposal from <br />representatives from Your Neighborhood News and Report, a local monthly newspaper, who requested <br />support from the HBA for a business and family fun expo in April. After discussion, the HBA approved <br />the proposal and recommended the expenditure of funds, in the amount of $500, to support it. The event <br />would take place on Sunday, April 17, 2005, at the Hugo American Legion, and would include booths <br />designed by local Hugo businesses, as well as a number of children's games, which would be fun for the <br />entire family. The HBA and the publisher from Your Neighborhood News and Report seek approval <br />from the City of Hugo and the Economic Development Authority for their public support for the <br />proposal, as well as attendance at this activity period. Mayor Miron supported the effort stating that <br />