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2005.02.07 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.02.07 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of February 7, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE FINAL AUTHORIZATION FOR PURCHASE OF FORD F-550 DUMP BODY AND <br />PLOW <br />At its January 24, 2005 meeting, Council authorized staff to proceed with the purchase of a Ford F-550 <br />Cab & Chassis with dump body and plow for the public works department. Purchase of this truck was <br />included in the City's 2005 budget. PW Director Chris Petree has prepared the specifications for this <br />truck, including the details of purchase through the State of Minnesota Cooperative Purchasing <br />Program. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved final authorization for the purchase of a Ford F- <br />550 Cab & Chassis with dump body and plow for $48,792.68. <br />APPROVE ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALE OF 1986 RESCUE TRUCK FOR HFD <br />In June 2004, the HFD put into service a new rescue truck, which was purchased from Custom Fire. The <br />new truck replaced the old 1986 rescue truck, which was in severe disrepair. This rescue truck is the <br />single busiest piece of apparatus in the HFD. Also in 2004, the HFD purchased an ambulance from the <br />Mahtomedi fire department. This ambulance would also be part of the fire department's emergency <br />response vehicles some time in the future. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the advertisement <br />for the sale of the 1986 rescue truck and to bring any and all bids to Council for final approval. <br />APPROVE ADVERTISEMENT FOR SALE OF 15 SCOTT SCBA UNITS FOR HFD <br />In September 2004, U.S. Congressman Mark Kennedy presented a FEMA check in the amount of <br />$117,000 to the City of Hugo and the HFD for the purchase of rescue airpacks to replace the old and <br />outdated pieces of equipment that have utilized for several years. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the advertisement for the sale of the 15 Scott SCBA units and to bring any and all bids to <br />Council for final approval. <br />APPROVE RESIGNATION OF JASON DAHMS FROM HFD <br />Jason Dahms was one of the new recruits for the HFD in 2004. Unfortunately, circumstances beyond his <br />control in his family have necessitated his resignation from the HFD. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the resignation of Jason Dahms from the HFD, and his replacement was included in the four <br />firefighters that were budgeted for in the City's 2005 budget. <br />APPROVE RESIGNATION OF JIM KEITHAHN FROM PARKS COMMSISION AND <br />AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR REPLACEMENT <br />Jim Keithahn was selected as one of the new parks commissioners by Council in 2004. Unfortunately, <br />Jim's has experienced some changes, which do not allow for the time commitment necessary for his <br />position on the Parks Commission. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the resignation of Jim <br />Keithahn from the Parks Commission, thanked him for his service to the City, and authorized staff to <br />advertise for his replacement. <br />
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