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City Council meeting of February 22, 2005 <br />Page 6 <br />with Mike and Catherine Anderson for the purchase of the old antique store. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED PURCHASE OF ROY MOLITOR PROPERTY <br />Over the past several years, City staff and officials have met with Roy Molitor, who owns a home and <br />property along Fenway Blvd, consisting of 68 acres, of which approximately 44 acres is developable. <br />The purpose of those meetings was an interest of Roy Molitor to sell his property to the City for <br />parkland, which has been an advertisement in the City's Newsletter for several years. Staff met with <br />Roy a month ago to discuss his interest, along with the interest of sale of his property to the Schwieter <br />brothers. Council agreed that the City should not compete with the private sector to acquire land. Parks <br />Commissioner Pete Pedersen addressed the Council and stated that the Commission was interested in <br />only the western -most portion of the property, about 22 acres, which abut 105 acres of City parkland. <br />There was some discussion about the possibility of acquiring just that portion of unbuildable land for <br />parkland. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to work with the prospective purchaser for the sale <br />of the Molitor property. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SCHEDULE MEETING WITH HISTORICAL COMMISSION TO DISCUSS 2006 <br />CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION <br />Pam Videen, chair of the Historical Commission, requested that Council schedule a joint meeting to <br />discuss the 2006 Centennial Celebration. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to schedule a joint meeting with the Historical <br />Commission for March 28, 2005, at 7:30 pm, to discuss the 2006 Centennial Celebration. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />FINANCE DIRECTOR RON OTEIN RECEIVES CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT #11 <br />FROM GFOA <br />Finance Director Ron Otkin has received notification from the Government Finance Officers <br />Association (GFOA) that, once again, he will soon be receiving a certification and plaque for recognition <br />of his finance reporting. This will be Ron's 11 d' award. City staff wishes to formally notify Council of <br />this successful achievement, after which a formal presentation will be made by Mayor and Council to <br />Ron when he receives his plaque. No formal Council action was taken. <br />2005 STATE LEGISLATURE UPDATE <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson provided Council with an update on State legislature activities, <br />including updates on bills that have a connection to and relationship with the City of Hugo. <br />