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City Council meeting of May 2, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the agenda for May 2, 2005 as amended. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />RECOGNITION OF FIRST AID TRAINING FOR HUGO ELEMENTARY TEACHERS <br />(HUGO FIRE CHIEF JIM COMPTON) <br />Hugo Fire Department Rescue Captain Tony Bronk worked with new Hugo Elementary School principal <br />Theresa Dahlem to schedule first aid training for elementary school teachers and staff. On Saturday, <br />April 16, 2005, the HFD conducted a first aid and CPR training session, and it was completed by 21 <br />teachers and paraprofessionals. Hugo Fire Chief Jim Compton, Rescue Captain Bronk, and Mayor <br />Miron presented Certificates of Completion to the teachers, staff, and a parent for completing first aid <br />and CPR training. <br />PRESENTATION OF GFOA PLAQUE TO FINANCE DIRECTOR RON OTIQN <br />In March 2005, Finance Director Ron Otkin was informed by the Government Finance Officers <br />Association that he had earned another Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting for the 2003 <br />Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. As Council is aware, this award is presented to less than I% <br />of finance directors across the U.S., and even less for cities under 10,000 in population. Mayor Miron <br />presented the GFOA plaque to Ron and publicly thanked him for his excellent work and public service <br />to the City of Hugo and its citizens. This was Ron's I Vh award. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approve Authorization to Advertise for Planning Intern <br />Approve On -sale 3.2 Beer License for Good Neighbor Days (Hugo Lions Club) <br />Approve Replacement of T-300 Bobcat Skid Steer for Public Works Department <br />Approve Agreement w/MnDOT and Washington County for Traffic Signal @ TH61 and New CSAH 8 <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for CD Director Bryan Bear <br />Approve Annual Performance Review for CD Assistant Michele Lindau <br />Approve Purchase of Single -Axle Plow Truck for the Public Works Department <br />Approve Variance for Three -Season Porch at 14471 Glenbrook Avenue North (Dittel) <br />Approve Final Plat for Victor Gardens 41° Addition <br />Approve Reduction in Cash Surety for Oneka Ponds <br />Approve Hiring of Three Seasonal Public Works Employees <br />Approve Resignation of Tad Roemeling from the Hugo Fire Department <br />Approve Temporary On -Sale 3.2 Beer License for Rodeo Rey at Woodloch Stables <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR PLANNING INTERN <br />At its April 18, 2005 meeting, Council said "good bye" to administrative intern Tom Denaway as he had <br />