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2005.05.02 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.05.02 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of May 2, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />obtained full-time employment with the City of Wyoming. Council encouraged staff to find a <br />replacement for Tom. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authored City staff to advertise for a new <br />planning intern for a period not to exceed six months, with hiring by June 1, 2005. <br />APPROVE ON -SALE 3.2 BEER LICENSE FOR THE HUGO LIONS CLUB (GOOD <br />NEIGHBOR DAYS) <br />Each year, the Hugo Lions apply for an on -sale 3.2 beer license to sell beer for the three days of Good <br />Neighbor Days. This year, the event is schedule for June 9, 10, 11, and 12, 2005. City staff reviewed <br />the application and found it to be satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />on -sale 3.2 beer license for the Hugo Lions Club to sell beer during Good Neighbor Days, subject to <br />receipt of a certificate of liquor liability insurance. <br />APPROVE REPLACEMENT OF T300 BOBCAT SKID STEER FOR PW DEPARTMENT <br />The public works department is on an annual replacement schedule for the Bobcat skid steer through the <br />state contract and cooperative purchasing venture. The public works staff was not pleased with the <br />performance and durability of the rubber tracks that were installed on the machine. Tri-State Bobcat has <br />agreed to take the after -market tracks back and provide a credit and upgrade for a Bobcat T300 compact <br />track loader. The difference in the upgrade would be paid through the City's general fund and capital <br />equipment purchasing fund. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized staff to order a new T300 <br />Bobcat in an amount not to exceed $14,030.50, with funding sources as recommended by Finance <br />Director Ron Otkin. <br />APPROVE AGREEMENT W/MNDOT AND WASHINGTON COUNTY FOR TRAFFIC <br />SIGNAL AT TH61 AND NEW CSAH 8 <br />MnDOT prepared a Traffic Control Signal Agreement for themselves, Washington County, and the City <br />of Hugo. The agreement provides for the construction and maintenance by the State, County, and the <br />City regarding a traffic control signal at TH61 and the new CR8. City staff reviewed the proposed <br />agreement, and found it to be consistent with previous agreements approved by the City for new traffic <br />signals on TH61. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Traffic Control Signal Agreement in an <br />estimated amount not to exceed $10,100. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR CD DIRECTOR BRYAN BEAR <br />Bryan Bear began work for the City as its new CD Director on May 3, 2004. Over the past year, Bryan's <br />thoroughness and hard work has resulted in a number of planning projects approved by Council, as well <br />as resolving a number of issues, which had been outstanding within a couple of subdivisions. Bryan's <br />leadership and "can -do" attitude has established himself as a valued member of the City Hall team. He <br />works well with developers, consultants, contractors, and residents In solving problems and reaching <br />solutions that are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and planning principles. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for Bryan Bear and a step increase as <br />provided in the City's employee salary matrix. <br />
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