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City Council meeting of June 20, 2005 <br />Page 4 <br />taken over the entire utility billing clerk function from Finance Director Ron Otkin. Jodie's utility <br />billing clerk duties have increased over the past two years and even more so over the past six months. <br />Jodie has an excellent customer service attitude when dealing with residents on their water bills, as well <br />as working closely with the public works department in scheduling hundreds of water meter repairs. She <br />is a thorough and conscientious worker and has an attentive eye for detail. Due to the volume of her <br />work load, Jodie's position will be relocated in City Hall to allow an increased focus on her job duties. <br />Jodie is a valued member of the City Hall team. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the annual <br />performance review for Jodie Guareschi. <br />APPROVE AWARD OF LANDSCAPING BID FOR FROG HOLLOW PARK <br />City staff and Boy Scout Kevin Quicksell solicited quotes for landscaping materials at Frog Hollow <br />Park, with a deadline of Wednesday, June 15, 2005. Three quotes were received for the trees and shrubs <br />at Frog Hollow Park. The low quote was from John Benedict Nursery Sales in the amount of $3,919.20. <br />Staff recommends awarding the project to John Benedict Nursery sales for $3,919.20. Boy Scout Kevin <br />Quicksell will be completing this project for his Eagle Scout Badge and will be responsible for <br />coordinating the delivery and installation of the landscaping materials on this site. All labor to install <br />landscaping materials at this site will be volunteer. PW Director Chris Petree introduced Kevin to the <br />Council and Kevin informed Council how much time will be involved with his project. Council thanked <br />him for his volunteer efforts for the City. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the award of the landscaping bid for Frog Hollow <br />Park to John Benedict Nursery in the amount of $3,919.20. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT FOR WATER'S EDGE SOUTH <br />Pulte Homes requested reduction in the letter of credit being held for the newly constructed public and <br />private improvements in the development. The City would continue to hold a letter of credit in an <br />amount equal to 125% of the remaining construction costs. City staff reviewed the request and found it <br />to be satisfactorily. Council member Haas removed this item from the Consent Agenda for discussion of <br />a drainage issue on the Marvin LaValle property adjacent to the development project. City Engineer Jay <br />Kennedy stated that City staff has provided data to Pulte Homes and a plan is being developed for <br />maintenance of drainage in that area. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve reduction in the letter of credit being held for the <br />Waters Edge South residential development to the amount of $2,744,699.80 and approve the release of <br />the letter of credit being held for the general site grading in Waters Edge South. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SCHEDULE WORKSHOP WITH COUNCIL AND COMMISSIONS TO DISCUSS OPEN <br />MEETING LAWS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST <br />At its June 6, 2005 meeting, Council tabled action on the scheduling of a workshop in order to allow <br />