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City Council meeting of June 20, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR DECK SETBACK AT 5712159' STREET CIRCLE <br />NORTH (RICCI) <br />Mike & Jill Ricci, 5712 1590' Street Circle North, have applied for a variance to construct a porch and <br />deck to be located 18 feet from the rear property line where 30 feet is required by ordinance. The Board <br />of Zoning Appeals considered this application at its meeting on June 9, 2005 and unanimously <br />recommended approval of the request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance for a rear <br />yard setback for 5712 1590' Street North. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE REQUEST FOR MEAT SHOP AT 7776157' STREET NORTH (LUTZ <br />CUTS) <br />John & Mark Lutz have applied for a variance to construct a 10 X 8 foot addition that would serve as a <br />customer entrance on the Lutz Cuts meat processing building located at 7776 1570' Street North. The <br />addition would be located 27 feet from the front property line where ordinance requires a 40 foot front <br />yard setback. The Board of Zoning Appeals considered the application at its meeting on June 9, 2005, <br />and unanimously recommended approval of the request. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />front yard variance for 7776 1570' Street North. <br />APPROVE WCA FOR SCHWIETERS' COMPLEX IN THE BEIP <br />The City has been working in partnership with Schwieters and Minnesota Commercial Railroad to <br />construct a team track rail spur into the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. There will be unavoidable wetland <br />impacts associated with the construction of the rail spur that will require mitigation. A mitigation plan <br />has been prepared, reviewed and supported by the Technical Evaluation Panel, and is ready for final <br />approval by the City Council acting as the LGU. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />impact/mitigation plan for the Schwieters' complex in the BEIP. <br />APPROVE REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT FOR WATER'S EDGE NORTH <br />As the developer of the Waters Edge North development, Pulte Homes has requested reduction in the <br />letter of credit being held for the newly constructed public and private improvements in the <br />development. The City would continue to hold a letter of credit in an amount equal to 125% of the <br />remaining construction costs. City staff has reviewed the request and finds it to be satisfactory. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved reduction in the letter of credit being held for the Waters <br />Edge North residential development to the amount of $1,004,269.36. <br />APPROVE CHANGE OF DATE FOR FIRST COUNCIL MEETING IN JULY 2005 <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the change in the date for the first Council meeting in July <br />from July 4, 2005 to July 5, 2005. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REVIEW FOR JODIE GUARESCHI <br />Jodie was hired by the City as a full-time employee on June 17, 2005. Over the past three years, Jodie's <br />front counter position has evolved into a full-time utility billing work position. She has successfully <br />