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City Council meeting of June 20, 2005 <br />Page 6 <br />SCHEDULE JOINT MEETING W/PLANNING COMMISSION TO APPROVE FINAL <br />DOWNTOWN DESIGN STANDARDS <br />On Tuesday, June 14, 2005, the City held its final public informational meeting regarding the proposed <br />downtown development design standards. The City's planning consultant, Landform, facilitated the <br />Open House, which was lightly attended. Comments from attendees were positive. Landform and City <br />staff are prepared to present the final draft of the guidelines. The Hugo Planning Commission requested <br />a joint meeting with Council in order to finalize those guidelines. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to schedule a joint Council/Planning Commission meeting on <br />Monday, July 18, 2005 at 6:00 pm, to approve the final draft of the downtown development guidelines. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE HIRING OF NEW INTERN IN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT. <br />In April 2005, Council authorized staff to advertise for the intern position in the community <br />development department. City staff received more than 30 applications for the vacancy created by Tom <br />Denaway's full-time hiring with the City of Wyoming. City staff conducted seven interviews from a <br />pool of well educated and well qualified individuals. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to hire Andrew Gitzlaff as the City's community development <br />intern starting on July 5, 2005 at $10/hr, not to exceed six months. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY NUISANCE ORDINANCE <br />Council member Chuck Haas requested this item be placed on the agenda to discuss code enforcement <br />practices related to the City's nuisance ordinance. The existing ordinance does not allow for <br />enforcement authority; authority is limited to the City Council enforcement of the ordinance. After <br />discussion, Council did not feel that this issue was of high priority and the existing procedure for dealing <br />with code enforcement violations was adequate. Council member Puleo did suggest that the ward <br />Council member should be notified of code violations. No formal Council action was taken. <br />UPDATE ON EAST METRO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FORUM <br />City Council members, as well as other City representatives, attended the East Metro Economic <br />Development Forum held at the Machine Shed Restaurant on June 16, 2005. Mayor Miron updated <br />Council and the listening public on Hugo's forum participation. <br />2005 AMM POLICY COMMITTEES <br />City staff presented to Council an opportunity to serve on the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities <br />Policy Committees. No formal Council action was taken. <br />