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City Council meeting of August 1, 2005 <br />Page 7 <br />of the road from Solid Ground to Pratt Development. Staff sought direction from the Council about <br />whether to release Solid Ground Development from constructing the northern most 550 feet of Oneka <br />Parkway, and whether to enter into a new agreement with Len Pratt, transferring that responsibility to <br />him. City Attorney Dave Snyder stated that an Assignment of Rights would need to be drafted to <br />accomplish any transfer. Len Pratt addressed Council outlining the request and why it is being <br />requested. Solid Ground Development co-owner Ray Pruban stated that the request was not a simple <br />request as there would be financial repercussions for them as a result of the transfer. City Attorney <br />Snyder stated that the City of Hugo has not issued any stop work order to any developer. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, directing staff to work with the developers to facilitate a <br />resolution this matter and report to City Council. <br />Developer Len Pratt verbally withdrew his request but Council did not recognize the withdrawal. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />AUGUST 4.2005 OPEN HOUSE FOR NEW PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING <br />City staff made a public announcement that the City will be celebrating completion of the new public <br />works building, located at 6900 137d' Street, and with an open house on Thursday, August 4, 2005, from <br />3pm to 8pm. The public is invited to attend with refreshments and beverages being served and asked <br />that they bring a non-perishable food item for Hugo's food shelf. No formal Council action was taken. <br />TERRY MILLER VS. CITY OF HUGO TRIAL <br />Council member Puleo questioned whether there was a need for Council to attend said trial. Council <br />members will notify staff of their interest in attending the trial to prevent a Council forum from being <br />present. <br />REPORT ON LEVEL OF RICE LAKE MEETING HELD ON JULY 29.2005 <br />Mayor Miron reported on a meeting held at his farm on July 29, 2005 regarding the water level of Rice <br />Lake. The meeting was attended by state, county, city, DNR, and RCWD officials. Mayor Miron stated <br />that the RCWD had passed a resolution to place an earthen plug at the north end of the lake without <br />input from the City. Hugo resident John Waller listed a number of projects that were installed because <br />of flooding problems in the Withrow area. He stated that the cost for the infrastructure was in the <br />millions, and now that JD2 has been cleaned, the flooded areas are now water free. Mayor Miron stated <br />that no work has been done on the inlets to Rice Lake, which could restore the level of Rice Lake. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to engage the City Council to continue discussion <br />of the issue with the DNR, RCWD, and Washington County. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to amend the previous motion to include drafting a policy <br />statement regarding this issue for Council consideration. <br />VOTE ON AMENDMENT: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: All aye. Motion Carried. <br />