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City Council meeting of August 1, 2005 <br />Page 6 <br />MINOR SUBDIVISION/CUP FOR ACCESSORY BUILDING AT 16675 HENNA AVENUE <br />NORTH (LEIBEL) <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to lift this matter from the table, as per Roberts Rules of Order. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2005-44 APPROVING A MINOR <br />SUBDIVISION AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CURT LEIBEL AT 16675 HENNA <br />AVENUE NORTH. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON TWIN CITIES COMMUNITY CAPITAL FUND PROGRAM <br />Staff received notification that a new nonprofit group has been formed to assist cities in providing <br />financing for businesses desiring to locate or relocate in their communities. The Twin Cities <br />Community Capital Fund (TCCCF) made a presentation at the July 21, 2005 Metropolitan Area <br />Managers Association meeting and a formal public introduction will be made within the next 30 days. <br />City staff sought direction from Council as to its interest in participating in this program in which some <br />nearby communities have opted into. <br />Puleo made motion, Petryk seconded, to schedule a joint Council/EDA meeting for Monday, September <br />19, 2005, Hugo City Hall, at 8:30 am, to discuss the TCCCF program. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />2004 WASHINGTON COUNTY TRAFFIC SIGNAL RANKING SYSTEM <br />City staff received notification from the Washington County engineering department that its traffic <br />signal system has provided a traffic signal ranking system for the 2006 construction season. The only <br />Hugo intersection listed as a part of County's roadway system for future signalization is the CSAH 4, <br />TH 61 intersection, and the intersection is not scheduled for signalization in 2006. The staff sought <br />input from the Council as to other intersections that should be included for possible future signalization <br />or other safety improvements. No formal Council action was taken on this matter. <br />DISCUSSION ON CONSTRUCTION OF ONEKA PARKWAY <br />City staff received notice from local developer Len Pratt that he would like to assume the responsibility <br />to construct the northernmost 550 feet of Oneka Parkway within the Waters Edge development. Mr. <br />Pratt has delineated wetlands in the path of Oneka Parkway as it extends to the north beyond the Waters <br />Edge Development, and he would like to move the parkway slightly to the west to avoid the impact to <br />the wetlands. According to the development agreement for Waters Edge North, 2"d Addition, Solid <br />Ground Development is responsible for the construction. City staff is not opposed to Mr. Pratt's request, <br />as long as the appropriate agreements are in place that would transfer the responsibility for construction <br />