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City Council meeting of August 15, 2005 <br />Page 7 <br />that residents would lose confidence and trust and it could be perceived as a conflict of interest. No <br />formal Council action was taken. <br />BROWN'S CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT MANAGER'S TERM TO EXPIRE <br />City staff informed the public that one of the BCWD manager's terms is set to expire in October 2005. <br />Any resident wishing to have their name submitted to the Washington County Board for appointment to <br />the BCWD should contact City Hall by Monday, August 22, 2005. <br />DISCUSSION ON FROG HOLLOW PARK <br />Council member Puleo expressed concern with the proximity of the play area to the roadway. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to look into the need for fencing and street signage at <br />Frog Hollow Park. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY ON AUGUST 16.2005 (FESTIVAL FOODS) <br />City staff announced ground breaking ceremony for the new Festival Foods at 10:00 am on Tuesday, <br />August 16, 2005 on the north side of CR8, directly across from the Victor Gardens subdivision. <br />Representatives from City staff and City Council will be in attendance at the ceremony. City staff had <br />already posted the meeting for attendance by Mayor and Council. No formal Council action was taken. <br />WASHINGTON COUNTY'S OFFER TO MARVIN LAVALLE FOR ROW EASEMENT FOR <br />CSAH 8/ONEKA PARKWAY <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder requested an executive session in order for Washington County officials to <br />present a counter offer the county has received from Mr. LaValle for the purchase of his property for the <br />CSAH 8/14 project and Oneka Parkway. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to recess the regular meeting to go into executive session. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REGULAR SESSION <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder stated the Council had met in executive session and discussed the acquisition <br />of property owned by Marvin LaValle for construction of Oneka Parkway, and recommended that <br />Council engage in mediation for possible resolution of the situation. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, schedule a non-binding medication session with Marvin LaValle, <br />with attendance by Mayor Fran Miron, Council member Frank Puleo, and City staff in attempt to resolve <br />the matter of property acquisition. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />