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Recessed Council meeting of September 19, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />GLAMOS/ATKINSON PRETRIAL MEETING REGARDING PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL <br />PARK <br />On September 2, 2005, the City was present at the pretrial meeting the Glamos and Atkinson families <br />regarding the assessment appeal for the Peloquin Industrial Park public improvement project. City <br />Attorney Dave Snyder provided Council with an update on the pretrial meeting. No formal Council <br />action was taken. <br />LAWSUIT AGAINST THE RICE CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT <br />As an affected landowner, Mayor Fran Miron handed the gavel to acting Mayor Becky Petryk to remove <br />perceived conflict of interest. Council member Frank Puleo stated that the RCWD has been named in <br />litigation with the State of Minnesota (DNR) and the Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy <br />and wanted these discussed with the City Attorney to determine any involvement of the City of Hugo. <br />RCWD Administrator Steve Hobbs addressed Council stating that the RCWD has chosen not to contest <br />any orders. Steve answered many questions from the council and inquired as to what else the City would <br />require to receive a permit. City Attorney Dave Snyder presented Council with three options as to <br />actions that could be taken by the City. <br />Petryk made motion, Puleo seconded, that the City of Hugo takes the position to determine whether to <br />issue a permit to the RCWD, based on a meeting with Council members Frank Puleo and Mike Granger <br />and the Blue Ribbon Task Force, and Council will respect the results of the meeting based on their <br />recommendation whether or not to issue RCWD permit. <br />Council discussion continued and Petryk and Puleo withdrew their motion. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, authorizing the City Attorney to represent the City of Hugo in <br />any manner needed in respect to the injunction hearing on proposed MnDNR action. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mayor Miron then rejoined the Council at the dais and requested a motion for adjournment. <br />ADJOURN <br />Petryk made motion, Granger seconded, to adjourn at 9:45 am. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Mary Ann Creager, City Plerk <br />