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City Council meeting of October 3, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for October 3, 2005 as presented. <br />APPROVE EXTENSION OF INTERNSHIP FOR SCOTT BALLER IN BUILDING DEPT. <br />. <br />Scott Baller was hired by the City on April 19, 2005 as the City's new building department intern. His <br />six-month internship was set to expire on October 19, 2005, but due to previous employment, Scott did <br />not accept any compensation from the City until July 2005. Scott had developed into a very good <br />building inspector over the past six months, and with the volume of inspection services needed, staff <br />requests that his internship be extended until December 2005. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />extended the internship of Scott Bailer until December 2005. <br />APPROVE PUBLICATION OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR FLOOD PLAIN ORDINANCE <br />CD Development intern Andrew Gitzlaff has prepared a revision to the City's flood plain ordinance, <br />which was last adopted by the City in 1998. When the City assumed LGU responsibility, the City agreed <br />to make changes to the ordinance so that it is consistent with the Rice Creek Watershed District's <br />ordinances. In addition, the ordinance is inconsistent with the DNR's requirements. Over the past <br />several months, Andy has made draft revisions to the ordinance to reflect the changes required by the <br />Rice Creek Watershed District and the DNR. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the publication <br />of a public hearing for the proposed revised flood plain ordinance, which would include an opportunity <br />to hear public comment at the Planning Commission. <br />APPROVE PUBLICATION OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR HOME OCCUPATION ORD. <br />Over the past several months, a subcommittee, consisting of members of the Planning Commission and <br />City Council, met with City staff from the CD department to review and revise the City's current home <br />occupation ordinance. Staff is pleased to announce that a draft version has been finalized and there is a <br />need to schedule a public hearing. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the publication of a public <br />hearing for the revised home occupation ordinance in order to allow public comment at the Planning <br />Commission. <br />APPROVE SALES TRAILER/SIGN FOR VICTOR GARDENS NORTH 2"D ADDITION <br />The Rottlund Company requested approval of a PUD modification to allow a temporary sales trailer on <br />the parcel to be platted as Outlot A, Victor Gardens North Village 2nd Addition, use only until the model <br />home is available. The model is expected to be ready in the spring of 2006. The 12' x 56' sales trailer is <br />similar to the sales trailer being used by Pulte for the Waters Edge development and located west of this <br />site north of CSAH 8. The applicant has proposed to provide gravel access and parking for this <br />temporary sales trailer, but a bituminous handicapped stall and a handicapped accessible route into the <br />sales trailer is proposed, along with landscaping at the entrance to the sales trailer. The applicant also <br />requested two 4'x 8'sales sign at the northeast corner of Elmcrest and CSAH 8. One sign would <br />advertise the housing in Victor Gardens North Village 2nd Addition and one would advertise the housing <br />in Victor Gardens 4d' Addition. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2005-54 <br />approving a sales trailer and signs for Victor Gardens North 2"d Addition. <br />