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2005.10.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2005 CC Minutes
2005.10.03 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of October 3, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE DENIAL OF PERMIT APPLICATION FROM RCWD FOR WEIR <br />INSTALLATION ON JD2 <br />Council member Frank Puleo requested that this item be removed from the Consent Agenda for Council <br />discussion. To avoid any conflict of interest, Mayor Fran Miron removed himself from discussion and <br />passed the gavel to acting Mayor Becky Petryk. At its September 19, 2005 meeting, Council considered <br />a permit application from the RCWD for the installation of a weir in JD2 for the purpose of increasing <br />the lake level in Rice Lake. After discussion, Council tabled the application and directed staff to prepare <br />a resolution regarding the issue of an outlet structure for Rice Lake, as well as preparation of a map of <br />potential impact areas. City Attorney Dave Snyder discussed with Council a resolution of Findings of <br />Fact highlighting the reasons for denial of the permit. After further questions and discussion: <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 2005-55 DENYING THE PERMIT <br />REQUEST BY THE RCWD FOR A PERMIT TO INSTALL A WEIR TO SERVE AS AN OUTLET <br />TO RICE LAKE. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Petryk, Puleo <br />ABSTAINED: Haas <br />Motion Carried. <br />132ND STREET ASSESSMENT HEARING <br />At its September 6, 2005 meeting, Council adopted Resolution 2005-51 calling for an assessment <br />hearing, which has been scheduled for October 3, 2005. The hearing was scheduled after the City <br />received a duly signed petition for the bituminous surfacing of 132nd Street, between the east line of <br />Goodview Avenue and to the west line of Henna Avenue, in the fall of 2003. On September 7, 2004, <br />Council awarded the bid for the project to North Valley, Inc. The feasibility report adopted on May 17, <br />2004, contained a project estimate of $345,000 of which $320,000 would be assessed on a developable <br />unit basis. Based on 39 developable units, the total assessment per unit was estimated at $8,205. Staff <br />announced that, due to an excellent bidding climate and project management oversight, the actual cost <br />has been decreased to $183,799.38 over a reduced assessable unit to 36.35 units, for an assessment per <br />unit of $5,056. City Attorney Dave Snyder commented on a letter from the White Oak Heights <br />homeowners association requesting that individual parcels be assessed rather than the association. Dave <br />stated that this would not be a problem, assuming no property owners contest the assessment. Mayor <br />Fran Miron called the public hearing to order to receive public comment on the issue. <br />Sally Cain, treasurer of the White Oaks Heights homeowners association, stated that all homeowners pay <br />their own taxes, and they are not legally set up as an association, thereby explaining their request to be <br />assessed individually. <br />Jerome Jessen requested Council consideration of a lower interest rate and the possibility of being able <br />to make monthly payments. <br />Lee Roepke thanked Council for the project and requested Council consideration of The Garden <br />participating in the assessment as the business generates a good amount of traffic. <br />
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