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City Council meeting of November 7, 2005 <br />Page 2 <br />Mayor Fran Miron presented Tony and Jim with Certificates of Appreciation on behalf of the citizens of <br />Hugo and publicly thanked them for the public service to the citizens of the States of Mississippi and <br />Louisiana. <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to approve the following Consent Agenda: <br />Approval of Claims <br />Approve Site Plan for Pearson Mechanical in BEIP 5h Addition <br />Approve Renewal of Dan Ramberg's CUP for Rodeos and Tack Shop <br />Approve Acceptance of Team Track Public Improvement in BEIP <br />Approve Final Acceptance of Public Improvements in the Beaver Ponds South Development <br />Approve Lawful Gambling Permit for MN State High School Rodeo (Dead Broke Saddle Club) <br />Approve Reduction in Letter of Credit for Street Improvements and Utilities in Victor Gardens East (5'h) <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for November 7, 2005 as presented. <br />APPROVE SITE PLAN FOR PEARSON MECHANICAL IN BEIP 5T" ADDITION <br />Pearson Mechanical Inc. has made application for a site plan approval to allow the construction of a <br />45,000 square foot building on property located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Fenway <br />Boulevard and Fenway Boulevard Circle in the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. Ronald Pearson of Pearson <br />Mechanical Inc. purchased the property legally described as Lot 1 Block 1, BEIP 5'h Addition from the <br />City. According to the agreement, Person Mechanical Inc. has until September 2006 to construct a <br />building on the site. The building is intended to serve as a warehouse and office complex to house the <br />headquarters of Pearson Mechanical Inc. & Associates, which is a mechanical contractor company <br />specializing in HVAC system construction. The proposed building will consist of 33,800 square feet of <br />warehouse space and 9,600 square feet of office space. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved <br />Resolution 2005 -approving a site plan for Pearson Mechanical Inc. for construction of a 45,000 sq ft <br />building on Lot 1, Block 1, BEIP 5th Addition. <br />APPROVE RENEWAL OF DAN RAMBERG'S CUP FOR RODEOS AND TACK SHOP <br />In November 2000, the City Council approved a CUP for property owned by Daniel Ramberg located at <br />5676 170'h Street North to be used for rodeos, overnight camping in association with rodeo events, and <br />for operation of a tack shop. As a condition of approval, the CUP is to be reviewed every five years. <br />Staff completed its review of the CUP and is not aware of any problems associated with the business, <br />nor has the City received any complaints over the past five years. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />renewed the CUP for 5676 170' Street North for another five years. <br />