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City Council meeting of November 7, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE ACCEPTANCE OF TEAM TRACK PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT IN BEIP <br />For the past two years, Hugo city officials have worked with officials from the Minnesota Commercial <br />Railway and owners of Schwieters to develop a team track public improvement project into the Bald <br />Eagle Industrial Park. Consistent with the development of the covenants for the park in 1998, railroad <br />usage was encouraged, and this team track will allow the public usage of moving freight into the BEIP, <br />including lumber into Schwieters' fourth building. Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson and <br />PW Director Chris Petree inspected the work and found it to be satisfactorily complete. Included in the <br />construction of the railroad spur was a public participation for the use of tax increment financing funds <br />which were used to develop the park. Adoption of the Consent Agenda accepted the team track public <br />improvements in the BEIP and directed staff to make a reimbursement payment to Schwieters in the <br />amount of $225,000. <br />APPROVE FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS IN THE BEAVER PONDS <br />SOUTH DEVELOPMENT <br />The developer for the Beaver Ponds South development requested that the City consider formal <br />acceptance of the public improvements and commence the one-year warranty period for the Beaver <br />Ponds South residential development. Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson reviewed the <br />work completed to date and found it to be satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the formal acceptance of the public improvements in Beaver Ponds South and to begin the <br />one-year warranty period. <br />APPROVE CHARITABLE GAMBLING APPLICATION FROM THE DEAD BROKE SADDLE <br />CLUB <br />The MN State Rodeo made application to the City for a lawful gambling permit in order to conduct a <br />raffle at the Minnesota State High School Rodeo in June 2006. City staff reviewed the application and <br />found it to be satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the lawful gambling <br />permit for MN State High School Rodeo in order to conduct a raffle at its June 2006 rodeo. <br />CPDC, developer for Victor Gardens East, requested a reduction in the letter of credit for the public <br />improvements. The City will continue to hold a letter of credit for 110% of the remainder of the work to <br />be completed. Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson has reviewed the work and found it to be <br />satisfactorily completed. Adoption of the Consent Agenda reduced the letter of credit to $133,318. <br />APPROVE RESIGNATION OF STEVE LACHER FROM PARKS COMMISSION AND <br />AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE <br />City staff received a letter from Parks Commissioner Steve Lacher resigning his position on the City's <br />Parks Commission, effective immediately. Steve has done an excellent job on the Commission, but due <br />to circumstances beyond his control, he is unable to complete his term, which is set to expire on March <br />31, 2007. Mayor Miron publicly thanked Steve for his service on the Parks Commission. <br />