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City Council meeting of November 21, 2005 <br />Page 4 <br />DISCUSSION OF JOE CANINE'S DRAINAGE ISSUE AT 16355 ELCREST AVENUE <br />Over the past several years, the City has had issues with drainage problems on the Joe Canine property <br />located at 16355 Elmcrest Avenue. Most recently, his next door neighbor denied him permission to <br />construction a ditch across her property to remedy a flooding problem. Mr. Canine called State <br />legislators, who contacted the City and a meeting was held on October 20, 2005 at Hugo City Hall to <br />discuss his drainage problem. He would now like to reestablish a ditch across and along a drainage <br />easement adjacent to his neighbor, Walter Erickson, who has indicated that he would likely give <br />permission. The benefiting property owners are asking that the City contribute the cost of the engineering <br />services that would be required to develop a plan and coordinate the project. Water Resource Engineer <br />Pete Willenbring prepared a Scope of Services for the work, at an estimated cost of $3,000-$4,000. <br />Mayor Fran Miron outlined certain conditions that would need to be satisfied prior to the City expending <br />any funds for this project: 1) draft Letter of Agreement with Canine and Pooler; 2) execution of a hold <br />harmless agreement with Walter Erickson; and 3) property owners Pooler and Canine escrow $10,000 to <br />cover the estimated cost of the project. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to work through the drainage improvement process <br />to determine engineering costs. Commencement of the project is dependent on a signed agreement with <br />Walter Erickson, with final review of the agreement by Council, and escrow of $10,000 to cover the cost <br />of the drainage improvements. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REQUEST FROM MPCA FOR EAW FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS <br />The City received a letter from the MPCA requesting comments on an Environmental Assessment <br />Worksheet for the installation of the major sanitary sewer interceptor in White Bear Township to divert <br />sanitary sewer flow through White Bear Township and the City of White Bear Lake to the treatment <br />center in St. Paul. City staff, including City Engineer Jay Kennedy, reviewed the request and found the <br />project to be in full compliance with the plans proposed to the City more than one year ago. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to send a letter of support to the MPCA for the <br />construction of the major sanitary sewer interceptor through White Bear Township. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DISCUSSION ON CITY OF HUGO'S POPULATION <br />At its November 7, 2005 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from CD Director Bryan Bear <br />regarding the City's record setting building permits and its increased population. Specifically, the City of <br />Hugo will reach the 10,000 population figure next month and City staff requested direction from Council <br />as to its desire to recognize this historic benchmark in the City's history. Council was in agreement that <br />they had no desire to do anything. <br />