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City Council meeting of January 5, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />APPOINTMENT OF CITY PLANNER <br />Kendra Lmdahl from Landform has worked over the past two years as the City planner, as directed by <br />former CD Director John Rask. Her primary focus has been on large plats submitted by developers. <br />She reviews, advises, and recommends changes on plats, as well as attending PC and Council meetings <br />as needed. She has proven to be a dedicated, hard worker, and valued member of the City Hall team. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda appointed Kendra Lindahl as the City Planner/planning consultant <br />for the year 2004. <br />APPOINTMENT OF CITY ATTORNEY <br />City Attorney Dave Snyder and the law firm of Eckberg Lammers Wolff and Vierling have served the <br />City of Hugo well over the past year. Adoption of the Consent Agenda appointed David K. Snyder as <br />the City Attorney for the year 2004. <br />APPOINTMENT OF FINANCIAL ADVISOR <br />Financial advisor Nick Dragisich and the members of the Springsted team have served the City very <br />well over the past year on a wide variety of projects and issues. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />appoints Nicked Dragisich and Springsted, Inc., as the City's financial advisor for the year 2004. <br />APPOINTMENT OF CIVIL DEFENSE DIRECTOR <br />Each year, Council appoints a member of the City staff to serve in the role as Civil Defense Director. <br />For the past several years, the Fire Chief has served in this position. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />appointed Fire Chief Jim Compton as the City's Civil Defense Director for 2004. <br />APPOINTMENT OF DEPOSITORY FOR CITY FUNDS <br />Each year, Council selects a depository/bank for the deposit of City funds. For the past several years, <br />Council has selected the local bank, US Bank. Adoption of the Consent Agenda appointed U.S. Bank - <br />Hugo as the official depository for City funds for 2004. <br />APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER <br />Each year, Council selects a newspaper as the official publication for all public notices and publishing <br />of ordinances. For the past several years, Council has selected the White Bear Press as the City's <br />official newspaper. Adoption of the Consent Agenda appointed the White Bear Press as the City's <br />official newspaper for public notices and publishing for 2004. <br />APPOINTMENT OF BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS <br />For the past two years, Council has appointed PC Chair Dave Schumann, Council member Frank <br />Puleo, and citizen Bernard Brunotte to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda appointed the same members to serve on the Board of Zoning Appeals for 2004. <br />