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City Council meeting of March 15, 2004 <br />Page 6 <br />staff estimated park improvements costs at a minimum of $200,000. The parks dedication fund has, to <br />date, an amount of $642,936. <br />As members of the Oakshore Park Association, Council members Petryk and Granger did not participate <br />in Council discussion. Council reviewed the three options for proceeding as outlined in stars report, and <br />agreed that Option B should be pursued by the City. This option would proceed with the making of an <br />offer to the HOA on the property. Steve Koeppen, President of the Association, appeared before Council <br />to answer questions and express the wishes of the Association. <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, that the City make an offer to the Oakshore Homeowner's <br />Association for the purchase of their property and identify the uses/limitations for public use of the park. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />GRAVEL ROAD PAVING POLICY <br />From time -to -time, the City is approached by residents requesting that the City pave the gravel roadway <br />adjacent to their residences. This is most common in the non-MUSA portion of the City, but does occur <br />from time -to -time within the MUSA area as well. City staff recently received two such requests: the <br />paving of 132od Street (by the residents); and Elmcrest Avenue (by developer Len Pratt). City Staffwill be <br />meeting with the residents affected by both projects (Elmcrest Avenue for the 2°d time), in the near future <br />to discuss the paving of these two roadways. Earlier this year, the City Council was approached by <br />developer Len Pratt with his offer to provide a bituminous road into the Fable Hill residential subdivision. <br />Len has agreed to pay for the cost of a bituminous overlay on Elmcrest Avenue, south of CSAH 8 into the <br />subdivision. In preparation for the neighborhood meetings, City staffwould like to discuss amendments to <br />the City's gravel roadway paving policy. City Engineer Jay Kennedy, Public Works Director Chris Petree, <br />and Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson have developed the proposed amendments. Jay <br />provided an overview of the suggestions. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to move forward with the next steps to address issues, <br />schedule neighborhood meetings, and formulate a method to prioritize paving requests. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />J.1 PUBLIC WORKS TREE TRIMMING AND BRUSHING SCHEDULE <br />J.2 REQUEST FROM WASHINGTON COUNTY TO SUPPORT LEGISLATION TO CRT'S <br />Because of the lateness of the meeting: <br />Puleo made motion, Petryk seconded, to table agenda items J.1 and J.2 until the Council meeting of April <br />5, 2004. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />