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2004.03.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.03.15 CC Minutes
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City Council
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City Council meeting of March 15, 2004 <br />Page 5 <br />Puleo made motion, Miron seconded, to schedule a special meeting of the City Council for Friday, April 2, <br />2004, 9:00 am, to conduct interviews for the Community Development Director position. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />LOCATION OF CSAH 8 TOUCHDOWN POINT ON TH61 <br />A special meeting of the CSAH 8/14 PMT team was held on March 4, 2004 to discuss the final touchdown <br />point for the CSAH 8/14 project at TH61. Consistent with meetings held with Washington County HRA <br />officials and St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, staff has concurred that the best location for the <br />touchdown point would be at the southern entrance into the church parking lot. Consistent with that <br />location, the Muller Manor entrance road would be eliminated and combined with this multiple -use <br />entrance. City Engineer Jay Kennedy reviewed the options with Council, and Council requested Jay to <br />make sure that the church is provided an access to their property, which is south of the new road. No <br />formal City Council action was taken. <br />CHANGE ORDER FROM LAMETTI & SONS FOR PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK <br />PROJECT <br />On Friday, March 12, 2004, Mayor Fran Miron, Council member Mike Granger, and City Administrator <br />Mike Ericson met with Fred Chase from Lametti & Sons to discuss the Change Order for the work <br />completed on the Peloquin Industrial Project. As Council is aware, this Change Order was necessitated to <br />allow for the micro tunneling under TH61 to connect the sanitary sewer pipe from the east side to the west <br />side in the Creekview Preserve subdivision. City Attorney Dave Snyder requested that this matter be <br />placed on the Council agenda for the meeting of April 5, 2004 for executive session. No formal City <br />Council action was taken. <br />OAKSHORE PARK ASSOCIATION PARKLAND SALE PROPOSAL <br />City staff met recently with the new Board of Directors for the Oakshore Park Association. The February <br />17, 2004 meeting was attended by former president Ken Strauss and new members, including Dave Black, <br />new president Steve Koeppen, Parks Commission Chair Robyn LaCasse, PW Director Chris Petree, and <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson. City officials listened to the Association's members, who shared their <br />strong interest in wanting to sell the land to the City of Hugo for a public park. The Oakshore Park <br />property is identified in the City's Master Park Plan as a location for a neighborhood park. Theypresented <br />a draft Purchase Agreement prepared by them, which is similar to the Benin Purchase Agreement. The <br />Association members stated that they had three big issues that they would not like to see: traffic; lights; <br />and noise. They assured City staff that they have support of 75% of the Association's voting members to <br />approve the sale. City staffrevised the draft Purchase Agreement to reflect a more consistent and easy -to - <br />understand Agreement for Council to consider. The Purchase Agreement includes their sale price of <br />$525,000, which the Association members stated was the price included in an appraisal they had on the <br />property. City staff met recently with City Assessor Frank Langer, who agreed that an appraisal of <br />$525,000 could be acceptable number, but certain discounts would have to be taken on the property: its <br />proximity between two neighborhoods; its current use as a private park; seven acres of upland and three <br />acres of wetland; and a number of restricted uses suggested by the Oakshore Park Association. City <br />Assessor Frank Langer suggested a purchase price of $350,000, taking into account these discounts. City <br />
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