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City Council meeting of April 5, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />Approve Performance Appraisal and Salary Adjustment for Deputy Clerk Renee Cunningham <br />Approve Performance Appraisal and Salary Adjustment for Finance Director Ron Otkin <br />Approve Variance for Accessory Building Located @8878 1328d Street (Brilla) <br />Approve Award of Grants from the American Heart Association and the DNR <br />Approve Liquor License Transfer Woody's Bar and Grill (Saint Angus Grill) <br />Approve Final Payment to Hardrives, Inc. for Work Completed on the 1401e Street Traffic Signal <br />Approve Final Payment to Landmark Structures for Work Completed on Water Tower #3 <br />Approve Appointment of Jim Keithahn and Steve Lacher as the New Park Commissioners <br />Approve Renewal of Copier Lease with Ikon <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />GENERAL CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster for April 5, 2004 as presented. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR 2004 GRAVELING CONTRACT <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree sought authorization from Council to advertise for the 2004 <br />graveling contract. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized the PW department to advertise for <br />the 2004 graveling contract. <br />APPROVE AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR 2004 SEAL COATING AND CRACK <br />FILLING CONTRACT <br />Public Works Director Chris Petree sought authorization from Council to advertise for the 2004 seal <br />coating and crack filling contract. Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized the PW department to <br />advertise for the 2004 seal coating and crack filling contract. <br />APPROVE PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FOR PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY <br />As Council is aware, the PW Building Committee met several times to determine the selection of the <br />equipment that will be installed in the new PW facility. This equipment was removed from the <br />specifications for the new facility, in an effort to save significant taxpayer dollars, and allow staff to <br />work directly with the suppliers and manufacturers of the equipment to insure proper installation. PW <br />Director Chris Petree prepared the list of necessary equipment and reviewed it with Committee <br />member Mike Granger. Council member Granger agreed with the selection and bidding of the <br />equipment for the new facility. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the purchase of the <br />equipment to be installed in the new PW facility. <br />APPROVE AWARD OF CONTRACTS FOR SEPTIC SYSTEM AND FENCING FOR <br />PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY <br />As Council is aware, the PW Building Committee met several times to plan for the construction of the <br />new PW facility. In an effort to save significant taxpayer dollars, the septic system, and fencing were <br />removed from the general terms and conditions of the construction contract. PW Director Chris Petree <br />