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City Council meeting of April 5, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />solicited for quotations for these contracts. A result of the individual bidding for these contracts <br />allowed the City to enjoy significant cost savings. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />award of contracts for the following: septic system — Ingleside Engineering with a low bid of $10,450; <br />and fencing — Century Fence with a low bid of $11,528. <br />AUTHORIZE CITY STAFF TO DEVELOP ONEKA LAKE PARK <br />At its March 10, 2004 meeting, the Parks Commission was presented with two options for the <br />installation of park equipment for Oneka Lake Park. After discussion, the Parks Commission agreed <br />to accept the proposal from Minnesota/Wisconsin Playground. Landscape architect Laurie McRostie <br />was contracted with to provide for the layout and design of the new park equipment and selection of <br />the successful vendor and her work is now complete. City staff sought authorization from Council to <br />work with Laurie to provide for the final construction plans for the development of Oneka Lake Park. <br />Laurie's original proposal was pared down to a rate of $80/hr, and a not -to -exceed amount of $8,000. <br />City staff, including PW Director Chris Petree, Senior Engineering Technician Scott Anderson, and <br />Administrative Intern Jackie Monahan-Junek, will provide the necessary project management direction <br />and work directly with the vendors, who will provide for the installation of the park equipment, <br />construction of the bituminous trail, construction of the pavilion, and installation of park benches. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda authorized staff to proceed with the_ final development of Oneka <br />Lake Park. <br />APPROVE HIRING OF JACKIE MONAHAN- UNEK AS THE NEW <br />ADMIIOSTRATIVE/ENGINEERING INTERN <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson met recently with Jackie Monahan-Junek, a recent master's degree <br />graduate of the Metropolitan State University Public Administration Program. Jackie is a former <br />3M/Imation worker, who has changed careers, and seeks employment in local government. She <br />would work as an administrative intern for an unpaid internship, which would conclude on June 1, <br />2004. Her duties would include project management in the areas of: update Street and utility standards <br />handbook; digitize engineering as -built drawings; codification of City code; and other duties as <br />assigned. This is an opportunity for the City to get professional local government administrative work <br />at no cost to the City. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hiring of Jackie Monahan-Junek <br />as the new administrativelengineering intern for an unpaid internship to conclude on June 1, 2004. <br />APPROVE ADDITIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTS WITH LANDFORM FOR WORK ON <br />DOWNTOWN CHARRETTE <br />The City contracted with Landform to complete the downtown redevelopment plan and conduct that <br />charrette process. The project was put on hold due to the MnDOT railroad crossing issue plan. <br />Additionally, Council identified as one of its 2004 City goals, the downtown traffic and transportation <br />plan. Landform has worked with City staff and the City engineer on that issue, which is separate from <br />the process. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the Additional Services Agreements with <br />Landform for additional charrette process work and work on the downtown traffic/transportation plan. <br />