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Council meeting of May 17, 2004 <br />Page 5 <br />upcoming issuance of the $2.56 million G.O. capital improvement bond for the new public works <br />facility pushes the City over the $10 million dollar threshold. The City must now comply with these <br />stringent requirements, including the preparation of an annual Official Statement. The consequences of <br />noncompliance can be severe. The finance department recommends that the City's financial advisor, <br />Springsted, Inc. be engaged to prepare and disseminate the required continuing disclosure material. The <br />up -front cost is $250 plus $200 annually for each debt obligation outstanding. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the agreement with Springsted, Inc. for continuing disclosure services. <br />APPROVE RESOLUTIONS REQUESTING MNDOT TO CONDUCT SPEED STUDIES <br />At its May 3, 2004 meeting, Council directed staff to prepare appropriate resolutions to enable the City <br />to request that MnDOT complete speed studies on two separate segments of Elmcrest Avenue. The first <br />segment is south of CR8 between 129' Street and Jardin Avenue. The second segment is from CR8 <br />north to County Road 4. The speed limit for both segments is currently 55 mph. If the resolutions are <br />approved, staff will forward the requests to MnDOT. It should be noted that it typically takes 4-6 <br />months for MnDOT to complete the speed study and return with a recommendation. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda adopted Resolutions 2004-29 and 2004-30 for submittal to MnDOT to conduct speed <br />studies on Elmcrest Avenue, north and south of CR8. <br />APPROVE LEASE AGREEMENT W/T-MOBILE FOR SPACE ON WATER TOWER <br />City staff was approached recently by T -Mobile Cellular Telephone Company, who wished to lease <br />space on the City's new 1.5 million gallon water tower. T -Mobile needs to improve its coverage in the <br />Hugo area and needs the specific location of the water tower to strengthen its grid work of cellular dishes <br />in the area. City staff prepared the draft lease with a significant number of revisions recommended by <br />the City Attorney. As Council is aware, construction of the new water tower included the plan to lease <br />space to cellular telephone companies. City staff negotiated a rate of $1,300/month from T -Mobile for a <br />contract period of five years. Council member Haas requested separate discussion of this agenda item, <br />and Deborah Weis, agent representative for T -Mobile, answered Council questions regarding the <br />request. <br />Haas made motion, Petryk seconded, to approve the lease agreement with T -Mobile Cellular Telephone <br />Company to lease space on the City's 1.5 million gallon water tower. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE PROPOSED REVISION TO PW FACILITY PARKING LOT PLAN <br />At its May 3, 2004 meeting, Council tabled action on the revised parking lot plan to allow City staff an <br />opportunity to meet with the PW Building Committee to work out a better layout and design for the <br />parking lot. On May 10, 2004, the committee met, along with the City architect, and was successful in <br />making suggestions that would provide for an increase of 40 parking lot spaces to the original design to <br />allow more parking for the community room. The PW Building Committee recommended Council direct <br />staff to work with the landscape architect, Laurie McRostie, as well as Stevens Engineering, civil <br />engineer on the project, to provide for an increased parking lot capacity to 60. This direction will allow <br />Stevens Engineering to provide for engineering plans, which would then project it out on a per-unit basis <br />