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2004.06.07 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.06.07 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of June 7, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE TOBACCO LICENSE FOR ONEKA RIDGE GOLF COURSE <br />Oneka Ride Golf Course made application for its annual tobacco license. They have satisfactorily <br />completed the application form and submitted the license fee. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the tobacco license for the Oneka Ridge Golf Course. <br />APPROVE MINOR SUBDIVISION (LACASSE) <br />Tom LaCasse applied for a minor subdivision to subdivide his 10 -acre parcel located at 13375 Elmcrest <br />Avenue North into two lots. The home would remain on an 8.75 acre parcel and the remaining 1.26 -acre <br />parcel would be sold for a future single family residential site. The property is within the MUSA but <br />services are not available to it; therefore, the applicant would be required to either pay a cash escrow for <br />the future road and utility improvements or enter into an assessment agreement. The Planning <br />Commission considered the request at its meeting on May 13, 2004 and unanimously recommended <br />approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 200440 approving the minor <br />subdivision for Tom LaCasse. <br />APPROVE MINOR SUBDIVISION (OLSON) <br />Eric Olson applied for a minor subdivision to subdivide his 20 -acre parcel located at 5030165' Street <br />North into two 10 -acre lots. The existing home would remain on one of the parcels and the other parcel <br />would be sold as a new home site. The property is not within the current MUSA and would be serviced <br />by a private well and septic. The Planning Commission considered the request at its May 13, 2004 <br />meeting and unanimously recommended approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted Resolution <br />200441 approving the minor subdivision for Eric Olson. <br />APPROVE MEETING ON JUNE 10.2004, 4:30 PK TO ATTEND BRIDGE DEDICATION <br />CEREMONY AT FABLE HILL <br />Developer Len Pratt extended an invitation to the Mayor and City Council members for a bridge <br />dedication on the completion of the bridge into the Fable Hill residential subdivision. The purpose of <br />the dedication is to recognize the significant preservation of the creek running through the subdivision <br />and the architecturally significant bridge, which is soon to be recognized as a famous landmark in the <br />neighborhood. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the attendance of the Mayor and Council at <br />the June 10, 2004 bridge dedication ceremony at Fable Hill. <br />APPROVE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR BEAVER PONDS PARK <br />At its May 12, 2004 meeting, the Parks Commission discussed updating the landscaping plan for the <br />park to include the additional 2.1 acres of land that was dedicated from the Beaver Ponds South <br />development. The Park Commission recommended that landscape architect Laurie McRostie update her <br />original landscaping plan for the park to include the additional property. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the updating of the landscaping plan to be completed by Laurie McRostie. <br />
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