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City Council meeting of June 7, 2004 <br />Page 4 <br />APPROVE PURCHASE OF RUBBER TRACKS FOR S250 BOBCAT <br />SKID STEER <br />Included in the 2004 C.I.P. is a set of Rubber Tracks for the City's Skid Steer. The addition of the tracks <br />will make the City's S250 Bobcat more versatile and stabile in a variety of conditions. The quote for the <br />tracks from Tri-State Bobcat is $8,413.50 which includes tax and installation. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the purchase of rubber tracks for the City's S250 Bobcat. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE FOR DECK (HALONEN) <br />Gary and Becky Halonen, 4784 Europa Trail North, applied for a variance to permit a 12 X 14 foot deck <br />to be located 16 feet from the rear property line. The property is located in the Single Family Detached <br />Residential Zoning District where the rear yard setback is 30 feet. The Board of Zoning Adjustments <br />considered the application at their meeting on May 27, 2004, and unanimously recommended approval <br />of the variance. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance for Gary and Becky Halonen. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE FOR ACCESSORY BUILDING (ZURN) <br />John and Lori Zum, 9085 122nd Street North, applied for a variance to permit an accessory building with <br />an exterior finish different than that of the home. The Board of Zoning Adjustment considered the <br />application at its meeting on May 27, 2004 and unanimously recommended approval. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda approved the variance for John and Lori Zurn. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE FOR ACCESSORY BUILDING (SCHMIDT) <br />Thomas Schmidt, 12280 Goodview Avenue North, applied for a variance to permit an accessory <br />building to be located closer to the street than the home. The home is set back approximately 450 feet <br />from the front property line and the accessory building would be set back approximately 350 feet. The <br />building would be screen by trees from the road and adjoining properties. The Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments considered the application at their May 27, 2004 meeting and unanimously recommended <br />approval. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the variance for Thomas Schmidt. <br />APPROVE SITE PLAN FOR NEW PAVILION AT ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST CHURCH <br />St. John the Baptist Church made application to the City for approval of a site plan to construct a new <br />pavilion. This new pavilion would be an opportunity for parishioners and guests to gather outside for <br />church activities and gatherings. City staff reviewed the site plan and construction plans for the pavilion <br />and found them to be satisfactorily complete. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the site plan <br />for the new pavilion at St. John the Baptist Church. <br />APPROVE CUP FOR SIGN (NEW LIFE CHURCH) <br />New Life Church of 6000 1480' Street requested approval for a Conditional Use Permit to install a sign <br />on property owned by John Peloquin located at the northeast corner of TH61 and 152"d Street. This sign <br />would allow additional advertising for promotion of the Lutheran church formally known as Shepherd of <br />the Fields and provide exposure for the newly -named church located right off TH61. Adoption of the <br />