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City Council meeting of August 16, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />building at 15171 Freeland Avenue in the Peloquin Industrial Park. The proposed addition would <br />double the size of the building and the associated improvements included paved parking areas, ponding, <br />and landscaping in compliance with ordinance requirements. Adoption of the Consent Agenda adopted <br />Resolution 2004-62 approving the site plan for Matt Benson. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FOR SENIOR ENGINEERING <br />TECHNICIAN (SCOTT ANDERSON) <br />Scott Anderson was hired one year ago on August 11, 2003 as the City's new senior engineering <br />technician. Over the past year, Scott has worked hard to establish an in-house engineering department at <br />City Hall. He is a diligent and conscientious worker, whether it is in the field doing inspections, or at <br />City Hall, answering and responding to citizen questions. Scott has made a most positive impact on the <br />City in his first year of employment and he has a very bright future. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved the annual performance review for Scott Anderson and the adjustment in the salary matrix, as <br />prescribe. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FOR PW WORKER (MIKE LOEFFLER) <br />Mike Loeffler was hired by the City two years ago as one of the new public works maintenance workers. <br />Mike's expertise in road grading, as well as his strong desire learn and utilize his new skills and abilities <br />in the other areas of the public works department, have made him a valued City employee. Mike is <br />dependable, conscientious, and a hard worker who has done an excellent job for the City. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the annual performance review for Mike Loeffler and the adjustment in <br />the salary matrix, as prescribed. <br />APPROVE ANNUAL PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL FOR PW WORKER (ROB WELDON) <br />Rob Weldon was hired by the City two years ago and has worked hard to establish himself as a valued <br />member of the public works team. Rob is a hard worker who is dependable and reliable, and his work <br />ethic is appreciated by the public works department and the City Hall team. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the annual performance review Rob Weldon and adjustment in the salary matrix, as <br />prescribed. <br />During the Parks Commission's City tour in July, PW Director Chris Petree discussed with members the <br />possible opportunity to create a neighborhood park in the Creekview Preserve residential subdivision. <br />Specifically, the 17 acre Oudot A 2"d Addition. There is enough upland to create a small "tot lot" and <br />the Parks Commission was supportive of staffs interest in creating this neighborhood park, which would <br />replace the future park designated under the new water tower. Additional delineation of the wetlands is <br />necessary in order to preserve their integrity, while allowing some additional fill to be placed on the site. <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda granted authorization to the City Engineer to redelineate the wetlands <br />for Outlot A in Creekview Preserve 2"d Addition. <br />