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2004.10.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.10.04 CC Minutes
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10/26/2017 1:45:54 PM
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City Council
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City Council meeting of October 4, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />APPROVE WASHINGTON COUNTY ENGR PLAN FOR 130TH STREET AND ISLETON AVE. <br />Washington County staff had been contacted by several residents in the area of 130'h Street and Isleton <br />Ave., who voiced their concerns regarding the turning movements of vehicles at CSAH 8 / 1301' Street <br />intersection. Washington County has proposed changes to the layout of the existing intersection without <br />any involvement or funding from the City. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the intersection <br />changes proposed by Washington County Engineering. <br />APPROVE ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION RELATING TO ADOPTING DATA <br />PRACTICES COMPLIANCE <br />Minnesota State Statute requires the City to appoint a City employee to act as its data practices <br />compliance official, to receive questions regarding problems in obtaining access to public data. <br />Currently, City Attorney Dave Snyder serves in that role. The City Attorney's office provided training to <br />both City Clerk Mary Ann Creager and CD Assistant Michele Lindau on data privacy. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2004-76 appointing City Clerk Mary Ann Creager as the data <br />practices compliance official and authorizing her to receive any questions and concerns regarding <br />problems in obtaining public data. <br />APPROVE AWARD OF BID FOR ABANDONMENT OF WELL NO.1 <br />At its June 21, 2004 meeting, Council authorized staff to proceed with the abandonment of well No. 1. <br />The well has not been in use for nearly two years and has surpassed its useful life. The well was <br />originally drilled in 1961 and is capable of producing approximately 400 hundred gallons per minute, <br />whereas the new wells pump more than 1,200 gallons per minute. E.H. Renner & Sons, Inc., drilled the <br />well in 1961, and has provided maintenance and service since that time on all City wells. Their quote <br />for abandoning the well is $8,804.13. Adoption of the Consent Agenda awarded the bid for <br />abandonment of well No. I to E.H. Renner & Sons, Inc., in the amount of $8,804.13. <br />APPROVE ACCEPTANCE OF PUBLIC IMPROVMENTS IN EAGLE SHORES <br />Heritage Development requested the City accept the constructed public improvements for the Eagle <br />Shores development. Acceptance of the improvements would begin a one-year warranty period. At the <br />end of one year, the project would be considered complete and maintenance activities would become the <br />responsibility of the City. The City will hold a Letter of Credit in the amount equal to 25% of the total <br />cost of the public improvements, or $103,750.00, during the one-year warranty period. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda accepted the public improvements for the Eagle Shores development, contingent on <br />final inspection approvals by engineering and public works staff at the end of the one (1) year warranty <br />period. <br />APPROVE WCA DETERMINATION FOR GOODVIEW AVENUE <br />The Council, acting as the LGU for the Wetland Conservation Act, was asked to consider approval of <br />the Wetland Conservation Act Wetland Impact Replacement Plan for the Goodview Avenue <br />Improvement Project. It is proposed that 2.89 Acres of wetlands will be required to be impacted to City <br />accommodate the proposed project. All impacts will be mitigated through the BWSR Public <br />
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