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Council meeting of October 4, 2004 <br />Page 4 <br />Transportation Project Wetland Bank. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the WCA <br />determination for Goodview Avenue. <br />APPROVE WCA DETERMINATON FOR ONEKA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL <br />The Council, acting as the LGU for the Wetland Conservation Act, was asked to consider approval of <br />the Wetland Conservation Act Wetland Impact Replacement Plan for the Oneka School Site. The <br />applicant has defined that 8,800 square feet of wetlands will be required to be impacted to accommodate <br />the new school building and adjacent walkway. Mitigation for the 8,800 sf of wetland impacts <br />associated with the Oneka School site development is proposed on-site through the expansion of <br />Wetland 16 in southeast portion of site. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the WCA <br />determination for the Oneka Elementary School. <br />APPROVE HIRING OF EILEEN OTTNEY AS BLDG DEPT TECHNICIAN/RECEPTIONIST <br />At its August 16, 2004 meeting, Council accepted the resignation from Renee Cunningham and <br />authorized staff to advertise for the position of building department technician/receptionist. The City <br />received a total of 176 applications, of which 29 applicants were invited for first-round interviews and a <br />total of 11 were invited back for a second interview. The interview team consisted of CD Director <br />Bryan Bear, Building Official John Benson, Administrative Intern Tom Denaway, and City <br />Administrator Mike Ericson. City Administrator and the interview team recommend Eileen Ottney as <br />the successful candidate. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the hiring of Eileen Ottney, <br />effective October 18, 2004, subject to the six-month probationary period and required pre-employment <br />standard physical exam, at Pay Grade 3, Step 1, in the salary matrix. <br />APPROVE OCTOBER 21.2004 FOR NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING ON 130TH ST/TH61 <br />At its September 7, 2004 meeting, Council directed staff to schedule a neighborhood meeting with <br />residents in the Beaver Ponds development, near the intersection of 130'h Street and TH61. City staff <br />has reviewed available dates and recommends that Council select Thursday, October 21, 2004, for the <br />neighborhood meeting, at which City staff will be present, along with a representative from MnDOT and <br />two selected Council members, representing Ward 1 and another to be determined by Council. <br />Petryk made motion, Granger seconded, to schedule a special Council meeting for Monday, October 25, <br />2004, 6:00 pm, at the Hugo Fire Hall, for a neighborhood meeting to discuss traffic signals as 130' <br />Street and TH61. The Council has already scheduled a 7:00 meeting on the same evening. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PUBLIC HEARING ON EASEMENT VACATION FOR VICTOR GARDENS 5TH ADDITION <br />(POA/SCHERER) <br />POA/Scherer requested a vacation of the existing drainage and utility easements located on Outlot C, <br />Victor Gardens 0 Addition. The property is being platted as Victor Gardens 5'h Addition and will <br />include the necessary storm water improvements and easements. Mayor Miron opened the public <br />hearing with the following comments: <br />