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2004.10.04 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.10.04 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of October 4, 2004 <br />Page 5 <br />Arnie Triemert, 15220 Everton Avenue, stated his concern of possible drainage problems. <br />John Udstuen, 15950 Everton Avenue, expressed concern with the culvert under CR8, west of Everton <br />Avenue that he felt was critical to drainage of property north of CR8. <br />CD Director Bryan Bear stated that he would be willing to meet with Arnie and John to discuss drainage <br />issues, along with City Engineer Jay Kennedy. As Ward 2 representative, Council member Frank Puleo <br />offered to be present at this meeting. City staff will also share resident concerns with Washington <br />County for consideration during their CR 8/14 realignment project. This matter will be placed on the <br />agenda for the Council meeting of October 18, 2004 <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, to approve the easement vacation and the notice of completion <br />of vacation proceedings for the vacation of drainage and utility easements over Outlot C, Victor Gardens <br />1" Addition. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, directing staff to meet with property owners, along with Council <br />member Frank Puleo, to look at drainage and the CR8 culvert and inform Washington County of resident <br />concerns. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />REVIEW RICE LAKE PARK FEASIBILITY STUDY <br />At its September 8, 2004 meeting, the Parks Commission considered the draft copy of the Rice Lake <br />Park Feasibility Study, as prepared by engineer Scott Ward from Stevens Engineering. Parks <br />Commissioners agreed with the concept plan that was presented and recommended that Council review <br />the draft plan for consistency with the original concept plan presented to Council several months ago. <br />PW Director Chris Petree requested Council consider changes for inclusion in the final draft. No formal <br />Council action was taken, but if Council members had a recommendation for change to the draft plan, <br />they should contact Chris. <br />REVIEW OFFER TO OAKSHORE PARK ASSOCIATION FOR PARKLAND <br />At its March 15, 2004 meeting, Council discussed the potential purchase of the Oakshore Park 10 -acre <br />parcel for public parkland. Council directed staff to forward the background materials to the association <br />and requested an opportunity to discuss the sale of the property. On Tuesday, September 21, 2004, <br />Council members Becky Petryk and Frank Puleo, along with City Administrator Mike Ericson, met with <br />representatives from the Oakshore Park Homeowner's Association. Nick Steckhahn, Steve Koppen, and <br />Dave Black discussed the actions of the association and their sincere desire to sell the property to the <br />City. The association had an appraisal done on the property in October 2003 by McKinzie Metro <br />Appraisal, who valued the property at $509,500. This number is consistent with the estimated appraisal <br />shared with Council with the staff report. The association has questions that were raised by its members; <br />specifically, what would be done with the net proceeds with the sale of the land to the City, and how the <br />deal would be structured by a tax attorney to allow for reasonable terms and conditions amenable to the <br />homeowners. City staff sought direction from Council as to its desire to extend an official offer to the <br />
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