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2004.11.01 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.11.01 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of November 1, 2004 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT FOR DECK AT (SOUTHWEST BLDRS.) <br />Larry Alm, Southwest Builders, Inc has requested an encroachment agreement to locate a deck within a <br />drainage and utility easement at 5855 128d' Street North (Wilderness View). Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the encroachment agreement for Larry Alm, Southwest Builders, Inc. <br />APPROVE PROBATIONARY PERIOD FOR CD DIRECTOR AND APPOINT BRYAN BEAR <br />AS REGULAR EMPLOYEE <br />Bryan Bear was hired on May 3, 2004 as the City's new Community Development Director. Over the <br />past six months, Bryan has worked in a conscientious and diligent manner in his role as the City's new <br />CD Director. Bryan is a hard worker and a quick study, who is fitting in well in the City Hall team. He <br />has quickly earned the respect of the developers, who had an established working relationship with the <br />former CD Director. Bryan's positive leadership skills and thorough planning abilities are evident in the <br />numerous development meetings that he attends. Bryan's new leadership has allowed the CD <br />Department to improve its effectiveness and efficiency. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />probationary period for the CD Director and appointed Bryan Bear as a regular employee. <br />APPROVE REDUCTION IN LETTER OF CREDIT FOR BEAVER PONDS SOUTH <br />Beaver Ponds Investments requested the City reduce its letter of credit for the newly constructed public <br />improvements in the Beaver Ponds South residential development. The City would continue a letter of <br />credit in an amount equal to 25% of the original letter of credit. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved reduction in the letter of credit being held for Beaver Ponds public improvements, in the <br />amount of $200,271.94. <br />APPROVE APPOINTMENT OF NEW FIREFIGHTERS <br />Included in its 2004 City budget, Council budgeted for the hiring of four additional firefighters. The <br />Hugo Fire Department Hiring Committee completed its final round of interviews and agility tests for the <br />current openings on the department. The committee is pleased to recommend the appointment of four <br />applicants to be hired by the City. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the appointments of Jason <br />Dahms, Andy Churchill, Donald Sames, and Nick Johnson, to the Hugo Fire Department, subject to the <br />standard preemployment physicals and probationary period. <br />APPROVE PUD FOR ONEKA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL & COMMUNITY GYMNASIUM <br />The White Bear Lake School District requested approval of a PUD to allow for the construction of an <br />Elementary School and Community Gymnasium. The site plan also involves the construction of <br />ballfields and playground equipment. Staff raised concerns related to the traffic flow at the entrance to <br />the site from Heritage Parkway and will continue to work with the school district to resolve any <br />remaining issues. The Planning Commission considered this application on October 28, 2004, <br />subsequent to the writing of these comments and unanimously recommended approval. Adoption of the <br />Consent Agenda adopted Resolution 2004-79 approving the PUD for the Oneka Elementary School and <br />community gymnasium. <br />
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