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City Council meeting of November 1, 2004 <br />Page 4 <br />in the area on October 19, 2004 to explain how the drainage of the county road project and surrounding <br />developments will work. CD Director Bryan Bear provided additional information at the Council <br />meeting. No formal City Council action was taken. <br />RECOMMENDATION FROM 10/22/04 JOINT MEETING WITH THE RCWD <br />At its October 22, 2004 joint meeting with the RCWD, Council agreed to direct staff to draft an <br />agreement to allow the two parties to proceed with final construction and repair of the culverts at 157h <br />Street and 165h Street. The proposed agreement would allow the City to work with Emmons and Olivier <br />Resources and its contractor to provide a turnkey repair project. City staff prepared a draft agreement <br />with full consideration to the issues raised at the meeting, which are addressed in the agreement. City <br />staff recommended Council approve the proposed Settlement Agreement with the RCWD and to obtain <br />formal approval from the RCWD Board of Managers. City Attorney Dave Snyder recommended that the <br />matter be tabled to allow more time to discuss the proposed agreement with the RCWD. <br />Puleo made motion, Granger seconded, to table this matter until the Council meeting of 11/15/04. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE RAILROAD SPUR INTO THE BALD EAGLE INDUSTRIAL PARK <br />At its October 18, 2004 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from City staff regarding its work on <br />the redesign of the railroad spur into the Bald Eagle Industrial Park. Since that time, railroad engineer, <br />Dave McKenzie from SEH Engineers, completed the cost estimates for the redesign of the railroad spur. <br />City Administrator Mike Ericson recommended this matter be tabled to allow additional time for fiuther <br />negotiations, including another meeting to include Mayor Fan Miron and Councilmember Mike Granger. <br />Miron made motion, Petryk seconded, to table this matter until the Council meeting of 11/15/04. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />UPDATE ON MCES STORAGE TANKS <br />At its October 18, 2004 meeting, Council listened to a presentation from MCES General Manager Bill <br />Moore, and engineers, regarding their efforts in selecting a location for installation of the new MCES <br />storage tanks in Hugo. Council provided direction to MCES officials, who have since that time, <br />continued to work with City officials in order to determine a location satisfactory to both parties. City <br />Administrator Mike Ericson stated that he had received a phone call from Bill Moore on Monday <br />morning, and he said he had some good news. Bill Moeller and Adam Gordon from MCES were present <br />and addressed the Council stating that after evaluating the effectiveness of the Forest Lake program to <br />eliminate private sump pump use of the sanitary sewer interceptor, that there was a substantial decrease <br />in flows. This information changes the MCES's opinion for the need of storage tanks, and in the <br />professional opinion of Mr. Moeller, almost eliminates the possibility of another sewer spill in Bald <br />Eagle Lake. The MCES will proceed with placement of a peaking pump station to be located in White <br />Bear Township. <br />