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2004.11.15 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2004 CC Minutes
2004.11.15 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of November 15, 2004 <br />Page 3 <br />trails outside of the popular Hardwood Creek trail. City staff has reviewed the application, along with <br />the liability insurance coverage, which names the City as an additional insured. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda approved the 2004-2005 trail application from the Hugo Snowmobile Club. <br />APPROVE VARIANCE FOR ACCESSORY BUILDING AT 12203 FIONA AVE (ANDERSON) <br />Harlee and Fern Anderson, 12203 Fiona Avenue North, requested several variances to permit the <br />construction of a 2,304 square foot accessory building on their property located adjacent to the Oneka <br />Lake Golf Course. The property consists of five acres in the R-3 Zoning District, where the maximum <br />amount of accessory storage allowed is one 870 -square foot building. The parcel currently contains an <br />864 square foot garage and another accessory building to be removed. Variances are needed to exceed <br />the maximum number and size for accessory buildings, to locate the building closer to the road than the <br />principal structure, and to finish the building with materials different than that of the home. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the variances for Harlee and Fern Anderson. <br />APPROVE ESTABLISHMENT OF CSAH 8 CIP FUND <br />As its special meeting of November 3, 2004, Council discussed the CSAH 8 feasibility study with City <br />staff. After a presentation from City Engineer Jay Kennedy, Council agreed to accept staffs <br />recommendation to create a CSAH 8 capital improvement program (CIP) fund, in order to have a <br />designated account from which to pay project costs. Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the <br />establishment of the CSAH 8 CIP fund, as per the recommendation from Finance Director Ron Otkin. <br />APPROVE OF HIRING CHUCK PREISLER AS THE CITY'S NEW BUILDING INSP. <br />On September 7, 2004, Council authorized staff to advertise for the position of building inspector. Staff <br />received a total of 31 applications for the position, of which 13 were interviewed for the first time by the <br />interview team of CD Director Bryan Bear, Building Official John Benson, Contract Inspector Vern <br />Bartlette, and City Administrator Mike Ericson. Six individuals were invited back for a second round <br />interview, after which staff completed its reference and background checks. Adoption of the Consent <br />Agenda appointed Chuck Preisler as the City's new building inspector at pay grade 5, step 1, and subject <br />to the standard preemployment physical and six-month probationary period. <br />APPROVE AWARD OF BID TO SEMPLE EXCAVATING TO DEMOLISH FORMER RICE <br />HOUSE AT 9497 146TH STREET <br />In spring 2004, Council purchased the former Don and Pauline Rice house on Lake Plaisted, with the <br />assistance of a FEMA grant, and contributions from Washington County and the Browns Creek <br />Watershed District. After discussions with the Parks Commission, the City Council at its September 7, <br />2004 meeting, directed City staff to proceed with the demolition of the house and capping of the well on <br />the property. Staff received a total of three bids for the demolition and capping the well. Adoption of <br />the Consent Agenda approved the award of bid to demolish the former Rice house at 9497 140' Street to <br />Semple Excavating, in the low bid amount of $17,699. <br />
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