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City Council meeting of February 3, 2003 <br />Page 7 <br />STEVE BONA FROM HERITAGE DEVELOPMENT <br />Mr. Bona appeared before the Council at its meeting on December 6, 2002 requesting continents on a <br />concept plan for subdividing 12.16 acres near Bald Eagle Lake. Mr. Bona was directed to attempt to <br />obtain an easement to bring City sewer into the development. Mr. Bona stated that he did obtain said <br />easement and asked the Council if there were any additional comments they had relative to the PUD <br />development of the 10 lots. With no additional comments, Mr. Bona will prepare a preliminary for <br />Planning Commission consideration. <br />SPECIAL PC MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 1. 2003 UPDATE <br />At its January 23, 2003 meeting, the Planning Commission directed staff to schedule a special meeting <br />on Saturday, February 1, 2003, at which it would discuss the proposed realignment options for the <br />CSAH 8/14 project. CD Director John Rask provided an update on the results of that meeting. <br />PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK PROJECT UPDATE <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell provided an update on the efforts of Richard Knutson, Inc., to bore under <br />TH61 with the sanitary sewer line. The last boring attempt failed but renewed efforts will continue. <br />JD2 CULVERT REPLACEMENT PROJECT UPDATE <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell informed Council that Harrow Avenue had been excavated for culvert <br />replacement but that the wrong culvert had been ordered for that particular project. Jay Brothers has <br />assured the City that they will meet the completion deadline for the project. <br />RECESS <br />Haas made motion, Puleo seconded, to recess tonight's meeting at 10:00 am until Friday, February 7, <br />2003 at 11:30 am, Hugo City Hall. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />� � .mac zt % 2a � �z •* /Yi <br />Mary Anp'Creager <br />City Cldrk <br />