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2003.02.18 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.02.18 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of February 18, 2003 <br />Page 2 <br />APPROVAL OF CLAIMS <br />Adoption of the Consent Agenda approved the claims roster as presented. <br />APPROVAL OF LOT SPLIT FOR TOM JACKSON AND TIM STOCKNESS IN BEIP <br />Tom Jackson received plat approval from the Council on May 15, 2002 to develop his property in the <br />BEIP and construct a building for Tim Stockness and Stockness Construction. Both Mr. Jackson and <br />Mr. Stockness would like to split off the property from Mr. Jackson and they have requested a lot split. <br />City staff reviewed the request and found it to be satisfactory. Adoption of the Consent Agenda <br />approved (Resolution 2003-10) a lot split for Tom Jackson and Tim Stockness for their property in the <br />BEEP. <br />APPOINTMENT OF KELLY BAILLY AS PC LIAISON TO PARK COMMISSION <br />Bronwen Kleissler has served as the liaison to the Parks Commission as a long-time member of the <br />Hugo Planning Commission. Kelly Bailly has agreed to replace Bronwen after her many years of <br />dedicated volunteer service. Adoption of the Consent Agenda appointed Kelly Bailly as the new liaison <br />to the Parks Commission from her position as a member of the Planning Commission. <br />RECONSTRUCTION OF GOODVIEW AVENUE MIMM OUIGLEY) <br />The Hugo City Council is well aware of the poor condition of the Goodview Avenue, north of CR8. <br />City staff has worked with developers, whose interest is in property immediately adjacent to Goodview <br />Avenue. Mike Quigley appeared before the Council in 2002 requesting a concept plan review of the <br />Bramstedt property, at which time the condition of Goodview Avenue was discussed. At its November <br />13, 2002 meeting, Council authorized staff to direct the soil borings of Goodview Avenue in cooperation <br />with Mike Quigley to determine the soil structure makeup. A preliminary report from STS Consultants <br />revealed that the base of the road contains approximately eight feet of peat. CD Director John Rask <br />reviewed with Council a report outlining the project. Mr. Quigley was present to discuss with Council <br />the proposed reconstruction of Goodview Avenue in cooperation with the City of Hugo, including the <br />potential for a cost sharing agreement. City Engineer Dave Mitchell estimated the cost for repairs to <br />Goodview Avenue at $3.4 million dollars. Mr. Quigley stated that by developing the Bramstedt <br />property, soils could be used from the project reducing improvement costs to $1 million dollars, or a <br />50/50 cost sharing to the City of $500,000. The developer would also need Council approval to extend <br />the MUSA to the east of Goodview Avenue to develop the Bramstedt property. Council discussed the <br />proposal and stated that in light of the reduced cost for Goodview Avenue improvement, they would <br />give further consideration to the request. Council member Granger stressed the need to have a City `hot <br />to exceed cost" for Goodview Avenue when revisiting this matter. <br />ACCEPTANCE OF AGREEMENT W/1VINDOT FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL (a). T1161/140M ST <br />The City entered into an agreement with MnDOT and Washington County in order to install a traffic <br />signal at TH61 and 14& Street. All parties agree that the installation of the traffic will include an <br />emergency vehicle preemption system (EVP System) as part of the new traffic control signal installation. <br />The City, through City Engineer Dave Mitchell and SEH, completed the design for the project, which <br />
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