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City Council meeting of March 3, 2003 <br />Page 5 <br />Bonds of 2000 be retired in full on August 1, 2003. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />CITY HALL INFILTRATION DEMO PROJECT (EOR) <br />Jason Naber, EOR engineer, prepared the final report for the Hugo City Hall rainwater gardens <br />infiltration project. He was in attendance at the Council meeting to make a power point presentation <br />about the project and to answer questions Council may have about it. On behalf of the City Council, <br />Mayor Miron thanked Jason for his work on the project. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, directing staff to send a letter of appreciation to the Board of <br />Managers at the RCWD recognizing Jason Naber's efforts on the City Hall rain garden project. Staff <br />will work with Jason to prepare a presentation for viewing on the City's cable access channel. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />NO PAP"G ORDINANCE (REVISED DRAFT) <br />At its January 21, 2003 meeting, Council discussed the draft ordinance prepared by the City Attorney <br />regulating parking in the City, primarily during the winter months. City Council had extended <br />discussion about this topic and directed staff to prepare a kinder/gentler ordinance for review by Council. <br />Attorney Snyder prepared the revision to the ordinance and presented it for consideration by Council. <br />The other issue of concern to City staff is the need to police and regulate the parking of trailers and RV's <br />on City streets, not only during the winter months, but all year around. City staff recommended Council <br />also consider regulating the parking of vehicle, trailers and RV's during the winter months, which is <br />included in the no parking ordinance. <br />Granger made motion, Petryk seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 2002-370 AMENDING CHAPTER 219 <br />ENTITLED PARKING AND LOAD AREAS BY ADDING SECTION 219-16, WHICH ADDRESSES <br />PARKING DURING THE WINTER MONTHS AND PARKING OF TRAILERS YEAR AROUND. <br />VOTING AYE: Granger, Haas, Petryk, Puleo, Miron <br />Motion Carried. <br />SCHEDULE WORKSHOP FOR PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN/CIP <br />At its February 3, 2003 meeting, the Council reviewed with staff the pavement management program. <br />After much discussion, Council directed staff to schedule a workshop to conduct review of the pavement <br />management plan, as well as to address the City's capital improvements program for the 2003/2007 five- <br />year cycle. <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to schedule a Council workshop for Monday, March 31, 2003, <br />8:00 am, to discuss the City's pavement management and capital improvement plans. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />