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2003.03.03 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
2003 CC Minutes
2003.03.03 CC Minutes
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City Council meeting of March 3, 2003 <br />Page 6 <br />REVIEW JOB DESCRIPTION AND PAY RANGE FOR SENIOR ENGINEER TECHNICIAN <br />At its February 18, 2003 meeting, Council discussed the proposed job description for the new senior <br />engineering technician position prepared by staff. Council accepted staffs recommended draft and <br />authorized staff to contract with Helping Minnesota Cities to review the position and prepare the pay <br />equity points for the position within the City's pay grade structure. This ranking would allow the City to <br />determine a salary range for the position. City staff worked with Paul Ness from Helping Minnesota <br />Cities and prepared this information for Council to review. City staff requested that Council review the <br />prepared information and the finance department's 2003 salary matrix and provide further direction to <br />staff in regard to the position. Council member Granger stated that he needed fwther cost breakdown <br />from City Engineer fees paid in 202, and would need to look at this issue in more detail. <br />Granger made motion, Puleo seconded, to table this matter to allow staff time for provide more <br />information for Council review. <br />PELOOUIN INDUSTRIAL PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT <br />City Engineer Dave Mitchell reviewed his status report for the Peloquin Industrial Park Improvement <br />Project and recommended that the Council issue a Work Change Directive ordering RKI to install the <br />casing using the micro tunneling method. Several meetings have been held with representatives of the <br />City and RKI, Inc., in effort to resolve construction and financial issues. Mayor Miron and Council <br />member Granger were present at these meetings and recommended that the Council approve the Work <br />Change Directive between the City and RKI. Although Council members Puleo and Haas were <br />concerned about the uncertainty of the new proposal, they would concur with the Council <br />subcommittee's recommendation. <br />Miron made motion, Haas seconded, to accept staffs recommendation and issue a Work Change <br />Directive ordering RKI to install the casing using the micro -tunneling method and authorize staff to <br />negotiate a Change Order with RKI for the micro -tunneling work. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />MNDOT 2003 STATE AID ALLOTMENT <br />The City of Hugo has received the 2003 state aid allotment from MnDOT. The City will receive <br />$78,880 for maintenance and $236,638 in construction funds. This matter will be addressed at the <br />pavement management/CIP workshop. No finther Council action was required. <br />DISCUSSION OF WETLANDS RESOLUTION <br />At its February 18, 2003 meeting, the Council adopted a resolution supporting a <br />Mayor Fran Miron presented the issue for discussion with Council and provided a detailed explanation <br />of the language change in state statute. Council member Chuck Haas brought this issue for review by <br />Council in order to further clarify the issue and to determine its potential impact on other state agencies <br />and the RCWD. Because of the late hour: <br />
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