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City Council meeting of April 7, 2003 <br />Page 4 <br />RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT HF #712 AND SF #738 FOR JD2 <br />At its March 17, 2003 meeting, Council directed City Attorney Dave Snyder to revise the resolution of <br />support for improvements to Judicial Ditch #2. There is additional information that has been included <br />for review by Council, including an article that was in the Sunday, March 30, 2003 St. Paul Pioneer <br />Press, in which Mayor Fran Miron was quoted and photographed. Mayor Miron suggested that the <br />resolution should be forwarded to Washington County and the City of Forest Lake for their signatures. <br />Council member Haas questioned the resolution's last "Whereas" referencing restoration of JD2 to its <br />"original profile". It was his opinion that this requirement was outside of what was originally agreed to <br />by the JD2 Blue Ribbon Task Force. No further changes were suggested. After further discussion: <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, directing staff to forward a copy of Resolution 2003-16 to <br />Washington County and the City of Forest Lake asking for their signatures thereby showing support of <br />the resolution. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />SENIOR ENGINEERING TECHNICAL POSITION <br />At its March 17, 2003 meeting, Council discussed the senior engineering technician position, the amount <br />of City engineering fees paid in 2002, and work that could be completed by this new person and <br />recouped by the City in reimbursable costs. The Council generally agreed in concept with the job <br />description, salary range, and engineering cost justification report, but agreed with Council member <br />Mike Granger's recommendation to delay advertising for the position. Council members Mike Granger <br />and Becky Petryk met with CD Director John Rask and City Administrator Mike Ericson to discuss the <br />position in finther detail. Both Council members agreed to recommend to the Council that staff <br />advertise for the position with the inclusion of "salary commensurate with experience" to allow the City <br />flexibility in hiring the person who best fits the City's needs. The City may want to hire an engineering <br />technician or a senior engineering technician, depending on the quality of the applicants. <br />Granger made motion, Puleo seconded, authorizing advertisement for the senior engineering technical <br />position. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />Miron made motion, Puleo seconded, that a hiring committee be formed to include the following: <br />Council members Petryk and Granger, City Administrator Mike Ericson; CD Director John Rask; Public <br />Works Director Chris Petree; and any other City staff needed to help in the decision making process. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />APPROVE REVISED CITY COMMISSION POLICY <br />At its March 17, 2003 meeting, City staff removed from the agenda the revised City Commission policy <br />because Council had not been provided a copy prior to the Council meeting. City staff prepared the <br />