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City Council meeting of May 19, 2003 <br />Page 7 <br />for recovery of some of the cost to repair the ditch. <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to fill in the ditch adjacent to the Mike Atkinson <br />property on TH61 at 146" Street and attempt to recoup some of the cost related to the project. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PROPOSAL TO APPROVE HMWG OF SUMMER PLANNING INTERN <br />At its May 5, 2003 meeting, the Council listened to a brief presentation from City Administrator Mike <br />Ericson, who inquired as to Council's support of the hiring of a planning intern for the summer of 2003. <br />With the large volume of work in the CD Department, and an amount of contracted planning services <br />included in the 2003 budget, staff felt it was an opportunity to utilize the services of a college student to <br />complete a significant amount of work at a fraction of the cost. City staff prepared a memo outlining the <br />projects to be completed this summer, and recommended that Council authorize the hiring of.Derek <br />Jensen for the summer of 2003 at a rate of $1 0/hr. Council member Granger suggested that this type of <br />program be utilized each year. <br />Granger made motion, Haas seconded, authorizing the hiring of Derek Jensen as a summer planning <br />intern at a rate of $ 10/hr. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />PEDDLER'S ORDINANCE <br />In the fall of 2002, the Council considered a draft ordinance that would the City of Hugo to regulate <br />peddlers and transient merchants in the City. After considerable discussion, including concerns from <br />Council member Frank Puleo, staff was directed to bring a revised version of the ordinance for <br />consideration by Council. Because Council member Puleo was absent from the meeting: <br />Haas made motion, Granger seconded, to table this matter until the Council meeting of June 2, 2003. <br />All aye. Motion Carried. <br />DRAFT PURCHASE AGREEMENT FOR LOT 5 IN BEIP 5m ADDITION (JEFF OLSON) <br />Jeff Olson, owner of Olson Tool in the Peloquin Industrial Park, would like to purchase Lot 5 in the <br />BEEP 5'h Addition in order to construct a new building. As Council is aware, Mr. Olson had originally <br />submitted a letter of intent, which he later requested that it be revoked due to the economic conditions <br />affecting his business. He now wishes approval for construction of his new building in the BEIP 5�h <br />Addition. City staff prepared a purchase agreement for consideration by the City Council and Mr. <br />Olson. Mr. Olson and his architect Jim Faulkner were present at the meeting to discuss the proposed <br />facility. Tom Jackson also addressed the Council expressing his desire to purchase the property, as well. <br />Because Mr. Olson is ready to start construction of his proposed building: <br />Miron made motion, Granger seconded, directing staff to prepare a Purchase Agreement with Mr. Jeff <br />